Shattered Hearts

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Shattered Hearts

Twinkle’s P.O.V.

            The heat in the office made my body sweat and the sleeves stuck to my arms like a magnet. Ugh, this is disgusting. I pulled the sleeves up and put my long brown hair into an organized pony tail at the back of my head. I put the pen back in my hand and encouraged myself to get through the evening without suffocating from heat. I checked the laptop on the desk to see the currency of the product in store and it wasn’t doing badly. A lot of people liked it, but there were also a few dislikes. I shrugged it off and went back to signing legal papers about lead and safety use. Our gameboy is safety; the product we use to make it isn’t even harmful. I signed my name under the long paragraph of terms of conditions and a knock came from the door. Fred walked in with a bright smile on his face.

“Sit down” I suggested and he nodded,

“The group wants to throw a party for the successfulness of our out coming gameboy” Fred announced and I looked up in the air. Since, I don’t have anymore grudges of the company I will treat the workers better. This company is important to Gabe and his family, his whole generation has relied on this company to survive and inherit. I can’t be such a horrible person to kill everything for him.

“Mhm, choose a place for tonight. I will pay for everything” I smiled and he widened his eyes in amazement.

“Really?! This is a miracle. I must go out there and tell everyone the good news” Fred rushed out of my office and I crack a laugh. Was I that mean to all the workers back then? Maybe a little change is good. I went back to signing the papers and another knock came on my door.

“Come in”, Jojo walked in bowing her head and I smiled.

“We chose a buffet already”

“What is it called?”

“Infinite Happiness” She said and I nodded.

“Ok” I replied and she walked out gently. What place is called Infinite Happiness? I walked out of my office trying to find Gabe sitting in his own office, but I was wrong. His room is empty. The environment seems much calmer and unusual when he’s not here. I almost forgot that he’s taking Nina on a tour. I went back to my office and dialed his cell phone number.

“Gabe, tonight everyone is holding a party at Infinite Happiness. Hope to see you there” I said waiting for his reply.

“Gabe, that ice cream is yummy” I heard Nina’s voice on the other line and I felt frustrated.

“Yeah, it’s fine. I will come” He answered.

“Umm…are you with Nina?”

“Yeah, she’s next to me”

“What are you guys doing?” I asked clenching my fists.

“She’s doing her nails and I’m just accompanying her”

“Oh…ok bye” I answered feeling a little sad. It feels different when he’s not with me. From the day we married, I haven’t parted from him a single day and now he’s away from me with another girl and it makes me feel a little jealous and sad. But its ok, Nina is a nice girl; she knows that he’s married. I went back to work with a with stomach growling and tired eyes. I want to finish all the work of a month in two days to spend more time with Gabe and didn’t take a break. My stomach growled again and I felt a stinging pain in the abdomen. I squeezed my eyes shut in pain and stood up leaning against the wall. I hardly made my way towards the door and collapsed to the floor. I felt nausea and acute pain down by the waistline; it stung so much I can’t even breathe. My clenched fist started to sweat and I realized that I was on the floor leaning against the wall scrunching in pain. I encircled my arms around my waist and lay flat on the rugged floor hugging myself and embracing the cramp. I closed down and my body became weaker and heavier each minute. Crumpling up in pain, I couldn’t hold back anymore and spilled out in tears, my body hurts so much. After a couple minutes ticked by, I felt a little better and tried standing up, and sit back down on the chair. But the cavities in my intestines weren’t as bad, and it didn’t hurt as much anymore. Right when I set my butt down on the chair and pop a pill into my mouth Fred came barging in with a worried face.

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