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“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you happy birthday to Claudia, Happy birthday to you”. I woke up in a haze. I adjusted my eyes and saw my dad holding a camcorder, videoing me, my mum holding a camera and my fiver year old brother, James jumping on me. I covered my face with my hands, “Dad, mum put them down” I screamed. “My baby girl, your eighteen now” my mum cooed. They both kissed my cheek. “Thank you”. I both gave them a hug and got out of bed.

“Here’s your present” my dad said, holding out his hand. In his hands were keys and an envelope. Keys?. I looked at them and they looked towards my window. I rushed to the window and looked over at our front yard. There was a black mini copper with a massive ribbon over it. My eyes widened. “Oh my gilly gosh” I screamed out. I ran over to my parents and engulfed them in another hug. “Thank you sooo much”. James had crawled over to magazine rack and was rearranging everything. “We’ll be leaving now, Happy birthday” they gave me the envelope, kissed me goodbye and left with James. I quickly opened the envelope. Two tickets to see The Maine. “AHHHHH, YESSS”. I love my parents. I wonder who I’ll be taking.

Let me tell you about myself. My names Claudia Rose Bolter. I am now eighteen. YIPPIE. I live with my parents and my baby brother in London. My family own a business which was passed down by my grand, grandparents. My dad is now head of it. I have dark brown curly hair, green eyes and olive skin. My dad is fully English and my mum is half Italian and Portuguese.

I received a text from Olivia, my best friend. Happy Birthday Honey!!! Remember your birthday plan, we’re going clubbing! Im gonna pick you up at eleven so be ready by then. Love you loads. Chummy xx. She had been my best friends since year one. We did everything together.

I walked into my bathroom, brushed my teeth and had a shower. I wrapped myself in my fluffy towel and walked towards my closet. What shall I wear? I always have this problem. I spent ten minutes picking out tops then deciding none of them looked nice. I let out an exhausted scream. I walked over to where I kept my dresses. One of them caught my eye. It was a navy summer dress. That looks good. I slipped it on and put my Nike black blazers on. I cannot wear heels. They are not made for me. I put my hair in a high pony tail and pulled at the fronts to make it look much nicer. I put some lip balm and perfume on. I grabbed my purse and headed downstairs.

Once I got to the kitchen my dad was finishing up making my breakfast. “Thank you again mum and dad”. “You’re welcome honey”. He placed my food infornt of me and we all ate. “So what’s your plan for tonight” my mum asked. “Me, Olivia and a few other friends are going to a club”. “Behave and don’t drink too much” my dad said. “Yes dad I know all those rules”. DING DONG.

I opened the door, “Claudia, Happy Birthday” she screamed. She engulfed me in a hug, nearing suffocating me. “Thank you”. She handed me a bag. “Open it now” she said. I quickly un-wrapped the paper and my eyes nearing popped out. The soap and glory collection. I pounced on her. “Thank you so much”.

We both said bye to my parents and James and left. “We’re gonna get drunk tonight” Olivia said. “You can, I’m not” I said as we got into her car. “Oh, come on Claudia, live a little. Your eighteen now”. We stopped at starbucks and we both got out. “Oh put this on”. She placed a huge slash over me which had ‘Birthday Girl’ written everywhere.  “Thank you”.

As we were walking to the entrance I felt a sharp pain in my arm which caused me to drop my phone and purse.  I bent down and retrieved the things. As I was getting up I bumped into someone causing their drink to drop. OH NO, THERE GONNA KILL ME.

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