He's What Now?

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I went up to my room, undressed and put on my pink onesie. I brushed my teeth and removed my mascara. Before going to bed I opened the gifts. Some were perfume bottles, money, hampers, vouchers and books. PING. I picked my Iphone up and saw that Andrew had texted me. It said, don’t forget what I said, I actually do want to go out with you again. Today was really nice. Happy Birthday. Good Night x. oh and do your parents like me? He put one kiss, how sweet. I replied back I would really like that, I enjoyed today too. My parents like you a lot, they said you’re a ‘real gentlemen’. That’s a bonus. Thanks again for tonight. Good Night x. I sent a text to Olivia incase she wondered where I had disappeared too. Really, that’s good news :) I’ll call you tomorrow so we can arrange a date to go out. Night Night x.

I smiled at his text and placed my phone on my bedside table. I switched the light of and fell into a deep comfortable sleep.

Next Morning:

The warmth of the duvets was so inviting but I knew I had to get up soon. Yesterday was so good I made my way to my bathroom, brushed my teeth and had a warm shower. I wrapped my fluffy pink towel around me and walked to my closet. As I was deciding on an outfit, my phone rang. “Hello”. “Good Morning Claudia, it’s Andrew”. “Oh, Hi. How are you”? “Im great, I was wondering if you wanted to go out this evening”. “Yeah, sure. Where to”?. “I heard there’s a carnival in Central, seems quite interesting to me”. “That we will be nice, so shall I meet you there”?. “I don’t want you travelling alone, is it alright if I pick you up, maybe at twelve”?. “Okay then, see you soon Drew”. “Alright, bye Claudia”.

I told my parents about the plan and they were happy about it. I ate my breakfast and played with James for abit. He had just turned six and he was getting bigger by the minute. Yesterday Andrew and him got on so well. Olivia called and I told her what had happened yesterday and my plans for today. She was over the moon. I got dressed in a floral collared blouse which was sleeveless and a peachy pinkish coloured skater skirt. I put my white converses on and put my hair in a pony tail.

I went downstairs and cleaned the house a bit and then watched the last few minutes of come dine with me. DING DONG. My dad opened the door and they said hi to eachother. “Have a nice time” my mum said. I kissed her cheek and left.

“You look beautiful” Andrew said. I blushed and looked down. “Thank you, you look nice too”. He was wearing a navy t-shirt with beige coloured shorts and white vans. Sorry I haven’t told you what he looks like. He has chocolate brown eyes, long eyelashes that I want, a defined jaw, and his hair is either in a quiff of its natural self which I like better. Messy and Sexy.

He basically looks like a model to be honest. The whole day was amazing. It was really weird. I saw loads of people taking pictures of us. I told Andrew about it but he dismissed it. Yesterday I saw the same thing. “I’m going to get an ice-cream, want one” I asked him. He was fixing his camera. “Yes please”. I went into the café and ordered two cones with chocolate cream. Again the camera people again. “Look over here” one shouted. Are they speaking to me? I turned around and saw that they were. What the hell is going on? I took the ice creams and left. The camera people still following me. I got to where Andrew was sitting. I passed him his cone. “Andrew, those people are following me” I pointed towards the camera people.

“Why are the taking pictures of us, when I went into the café they followed me in and took pictures of me”. A little girl came up to Andrew. “Can I have a picture with you please” she asked.  He looked at me. Something wasn’t right. After she left I said, “Tell me what’s going on now” I told him.

He didn’t want to tell me so I gave him the silent treatment. I couldn’t leave cause I dint know this place, if it did I would off. “Alright, I’ll tell you. But can we do it somewhere private”. I packed up the picnic blanket and the food.  We walked along the riverside. There were about two people with cameras but there were quite far behind us.

“Okay, so…. Your really don’t know who I am”? He asked. 

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