Achieving My Goal

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5 Month’s Later:

I am now living with Andrew in a cosy apartment not too far from my parent’s house. I spent the last three weeks decorating each room and painting the walls a rich cream colour. All that was left do be down was the bathroom. The walls needed to painted and the new basin needed to be fitted in.

I’ve been with Andrew for five months now and im loving every minute of it. Although the paps are annoying I’ve learned to deal with it. When Andrew announced that we were going out in an interview most people were happy. But there were some haters. Most of them were little kids and teens. I now have 1.2M followers on twitter. People think that I'm with Andrew for the money and fame but I know I’m not. Their comments are invalid. Andrew had been offered to star in the new movie 'Runner' so he was now in America. He left three weeks ago and will be coming back on December 18th.

I hate it when he's away, it's boring. We will be spending Christmas and New Year’s Day together but after that he will be staying in America for three months to finish his scenes. He asked if I could come over and stay with him but I have a job and I still need to get my degree. But I will visit him whenever I can.

Me and Olivia had just been shopping. I bought loads of jumpers, coats, leggings and Christmas decorations. I made myself a cup of hot chocolate and put cream on top.

I had nothing planned to do this evening so I browsed the internet. I wanted to know what people thought about me. I typed my name ‘Claudia Bolter’ into Google’s search engine and clicked enter. Most of the comments and headlines were positive but I clicked on the negative ones.

Anti-Claudia : Management made Andrew go out with Claudia it’s so obvious. He needs her to regain his name. Look at the way he holds her hand, the way he is around her, he aint happy. She’s not his type. She’s a midget and she’s a gold digger. Look at the clothes she wears. A Mulberry bag ; £890, who can afford that. She uses Andrew’s money and doesn’t love him. 

Andrew Cheat's On Claudia with co-star: Andrew Clough was seen with co-star Lea Dennis yesterday night exiting her apartment in L.A. They seemed quite into each other on set. Lea said ; 'It's a pleasure being able to work with Andrew, he is amazing and very funny.' Before he left he planted a kiss on her cheek and whispered something in her ear. What about Claudia Bolter, his girlfriend of five months?

Could this be true? No, they must have made it up. He was only away for three weeks. 

I closed down the page and opened a new one, I typed in ‘Andrew Clough’. Up came articles of him and me, his family and his current job. Again, another article came up on Andrew cheating on me. This article had pictures of Andrew exiting her house and her smiling. They both looked happy.

I decided to leave it as Andrew had told me before that the media can make up random rumours. I finished up the hot chocolate and switched the TV to come dine with me.

I wonder why they all think those terrible things about me. They know nothing about me and they haven’t even met me. I had met Andrew’s dad in September and he was really nice. He told me stories about Andrew when he was a kid. I found out that he was a bold and naughty child in his younger years. RING RING. “Hi babe” I answered the phone.  “Hey pumpkin, you alright” he asked. “Yeah, just browsing the internet, what you up too”. “Going over some papers” he said. I didn't want to bring up the article. "Are you coming over"? he asked. "I can't, I told you before. I have a job and I need to study for my degree. I would love to go and see you but I can't." I told him.

He sighed over the phone. "Well, I'm really missing you". "Me too, I miss you too". "Andrew, come on you need to do the last scene again" I heard in the background. "Oh, babe I need to go bye love you" he hung up the phone before I could reply. I put my head in my hands. His job meant we couldn’t spend much time together and the some of rumours the media made up made it worse. I switched the TV of and placed my cup in the dishwasher.

I checked my emails. One caught my eye. In September I sent an email to 'JP Business' asking if I could set up my own baking business. I want to open a cake shop. Not those corner cake cafes but those actual big stores. I didn't expect them to write back as they were a massive company. The e-mail said:

Dear Miss Bolter,

We have reviewed your business plan and have agreed to help you start of your business. To help you we are renting out two stores, one in Central London and the other in Westfield's. We are looking forward to be working along side's you. Our first meeting will be in Paris, November 24th. If you would like to, you can bring a long a business partner. This person will have to attend all meeting’s set. Your flight to Paris will be booked once you call my assistance Linda; 07892231562. If you have any questions please ask her. Thank You

Mr Dalton

I re-read the e-mail again. My eyes popped out of their sockets. They actually agreed. This is actually happening. I couldn’t call my parents as they were busy, Olivia was on a date and Andrew was probably acting. Who to call? Mason.

He was a childhood friend of mine and his grandparents and mine started the business that my dad now runs. I hadn’t talk to him since we were fifteen. I hope he still remembers me. The reason I wanted to call him was because I wanted him to be my business partner as he has a lot of experience in the business world.

 I dialled his number waiting for him to pick up. "Hello, you've reached Mason Grant, what can I do for you" he answered. "Hello idiot it’s Claudia Bolter" I said. "Claudia? The one with the red polka dot dress"? He asked. I laughed. “Yeah it is, I’m surprised you still remember me. Can I ask you a favour?”. I told him about the JP Business and how they accepted my offer. He gasped. "Seriously" he asked. "Yes, I'll forward the e-mail to you and they said I can bring along a business partner so.... um I would like you to be mine. Is that okay?" I asked him. "You're asking me". "Yeah, you have the experience and I need a person who's good in dealing with 'business stuff' and you fit the job." "Alright, I'll be delighted too".

"Wait a minute I've just received the email, let me read it" he said. After a minute, "I'm going to Paris" he sang. "I'm so excited".

We arranged to meet at a café tomorrow morning to sort things out.  

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2013 ⏰

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