Chapter Nine

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I climbed out of my truck, pushing down my pencil skirt as I made my way over to the guys in the garage. "Hey, boys." I waved as I set the box of donuts on one of the closed tool kits.

"Hey, Harper," Cody came running over along with a lot of the prospects and Slasher.

"Why you dressed all fucking pretty?" Hog asked as he picked up a donut.

"I have a job interview in town." I smiled, kissing Liam cheek as I walked to the office. "Hey," I smiled as I saw Pierce finishing up a with a customer.

"Oh, Harper," Eva smiled as I handed her a coffee and a donut. "You look beautiful."

"Thanks," I smiled as Pierce walked over, his eyes glazing over. "I have a job interview in town as a child therapist."

"Well, I hope it goes well." She smiled as she led the last customer out of the office, leaving me alone with Pierce. I smiled up at him and placed the donut on the counter.

"Thought I'd drop by and see if the boys were hungry." He leaned into me, his arm resting underneath mine.

"Not sure I like you wearing that around the guys." He whispered, his minty breath fanning across my face. "Or anywhere really."

"Well," I kissed his neck, then behind his ear. "Too damn bad." I kissed his cheek before walking out towards my truck.

"Harper!" I rolled the window down and Pierce came to stand in front of it. "Stay safe, okay? Not sure exactly if Viper's Creed is going to retaliate or not."

"You don't need to worry about me." I smiled but he didn't return it.

"I always worry about you." He shook his head. "I'm serious."

"I'll stay safe," I leaned over and kissed his cheek. "I'll call you when I get there and when I'm about to leave." I pulled out of the lot, Pierce watching my truck leave. I felt butterflies in my stomach and I couldn't help to think about what Nova and Eva said. I wasn't sure exactly what Pierce wanted but I knew what I did. I just hoped we wanted the same things.

I held my keys in my hand as I dialed Pierce's number. "Hey, you on your way back?"

"Yep," his voice always seemed to calm me, making me feel like I was home. "The interview went great. My perspective boss seems really nice and I can't wait to start, if I get the job of course."

"You'll get it, they'd be stupid not to hire you." I smiled as I looked up from where I was looking to my truck. I gasped as I looked at the angry red lettering sprawled across the windshield of my truck. "Harper!" I couldn't hear him clearly as I looked around, my phone dropping from my ear to the ground. There's no fucking way, I thought he was gone... I turned around, walking back into the building I just left, finding it safer then standing outside. I slumped into a chair in the lobby, taking deep breaths as I could feel the anxiety begin to take over. I put my head in between my legs, trying to find a calm center to gravitate towards. But I couldn't find one, all I could see when I closed my eyes was his dead ones. I vaguely felt strong hands wrap around the ones on my face and I shrieked. Trying to get away from whoever was holding me, "Harper!" My eyes snapped open and Pierce was looking at me. My vision blurred as tears started to run down my cheeks but my panic attack began to subside. Pierce rooted me, brought me back from the demon that lived inside of me.

"Pierce," my voice was shaky and he smiled tentatively at me, smoothing back my hair.

"Yea, Smitty, it's me." He picked me up, wrapping me up in his strong arms. "Let's get you home." He walked me out, shielding me from my vandalized truck, and towards his bike. "We'll come back for it. Let's get going!" He shouted to I guess the guys who came with him. He put me on the back of the bike then climbed in himself. I instantly wrapped my arms tightly around him, afraid he'd vanish and leave me. He revved the engine, riding away from the past that wouldn't just stay there.


"How she holding up?" Hog asked as I walked down the stairs, it took almost a full hour for Harper to fall asleep.

"She's scared shitless." I rubbed the back of my neck, immediately calling for Chapel. While everyone was piling in all I could see were the words My Whore written in red spray paint and the fear that had consumed Harper's usually cheerful eyes. "This definitely wasn't the work of Viper's Creed, they would've just taken her, not written a message like that."

"Did Harper say anything?" Slasher asked, my fists clenching as I remembered what happened upstairs.

"She asked me to not let him get her." And she asked me not to leave her, to not let her go, why she didn't know was that I had no intention of that.

"Who the fuck is after her?" Hog growled and Liam clenched his teeth.

"You'd think if I knew we'd be sitting here talking?" I hissed, "I would've already put out a hit on his punk ass and dragged him back here." When I found out who this guy was, he was as good as dead. "I'm putting the word out, our other chapters are going to look into it and I'm sending Butch out to sniff around her old college. No one is to tell her, she doesn't need to know about this. Dismissed." Most left but Liam and my father stayed. "If you're going to lecture me about how this could hurt the club I don't want to hear it."

"That's not it," my father stated, running a hand over his exhausted features.

"Then what?" I asked, not sure why this was so important.

"We need to talk to you about Harper's father." I stiffened, hate filling my chest instantly. "The man you're thinking of isn't Harper's biological father." Liam took a deep breath, "My brother is her biological father."

"Who the fuck is your brother?" I asked and Liam looked absolutely defeated.

"Baylor Cross..."

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