Chapter Fifteen

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I walked across the parking lot of the hospital spotting Sparrow sitting in the back of the ambulance. "Hi, Sparrow!"

"Hey, Harper, how you feeling?" She stood up, throwing away the water bottle she had in her hands.

"Much better," I handed her a plate of cookies. "The Old Ladies wanted to thank you for your help and for delaying the police."

"Well, thanks." She smiled and took the cookies, waking inside with me. "I have to hurry back but I'm gonna go put this in my locker. Where should I return the plate?"

"The clubhouse should be fine." I smiled and we said our goodbyes, exchanging numbers quickly. I could already see that she was going to become a very good friend. I walked down the hall to Avery's room where Slasher sat, sleeping in a chair across the room. "Hi, Aves, how you feeling?"

"Better, my thigh feels like it's on fire." She chuckled, looking at me. "How long he been here?"

"Hasn't really left," I chuckled. "Except for Chapel but he can't really miss that as VP."

"I really want to go home, Harper." She sighed, sitting up in her bed.

"I know, Aves, you'll be home soon." I smiled and she sighed again. "I do need to tell you something."

"What?" She rasped, she took a sip of water and shook her head. "Damn voice." I chuckled sitting next to her.

"Pierce has decided that you're under The Hellhounds MC's protection now." She scrunched her nose at me. "Basically I convinced him to take a vote because you were hurt because of me. You're not an Old Lady or a biker whore. You're part of the family, my family."

"Stop, you're gonna make me cry." She and I sniffed at the same time, wiping small tears from our eyes.

"If this is a girlie, chick thing I'm leaving." Slasher interrupted and both of us rolled our eyes.

"Shove it, lard ass." Avery chuckled and Slasher rolled his eyes before his phone rang.

"Hello?" He walked out, we obviously weren't allowed to hear the conversation.

"So, once you're out there's this fair at the local school that all the Old Ladies kids go to, wanna help me, Eva, and Philly run a dunk tank?" I asked and she nodded.

"If I'm out in time," she grumbled. For someone who works at a hospital she sure doesn't like being a patient. "Oh, and the board approved you're application. You start next Monday."

"That's fantastic!" I smiled and she laughed. "Shit, we're gonna work together."

"Yep," she shrugged. "But technically I'd be your boss and you work with kids while I work with adults."

"Shut up, Avery." I laughed and Slasher walked back in. "Everything okay?" I asked as I noticed his grim face.

"Not sure," he kissed the top of my head, almost like a brother would. "Stay here for a while okay. Pierce wants you safe and it should be safe here."

"Slasher!" I called after him as he went to leave. "What's going on?"

"Don't know, Giggles." He sighed, running a hand over his jaw. "Just stay here." He left me and Avery alone to worry.

"Everything's going to be fine," Avery reassured but not even her voice convinced me.

"We'll see..."


Slasher rolled up next to my bike, Sniper was on the other side of me, and Cody next to him. We waited in the hills, looking down at a small shack, the truck that tried to run me off the road sat in the dirt next to it. "This is one of their whore houses." Cody stated, looking at the house through binoculars. Cody was a wiz with computers and most of everything we knew was from his computers skills. "I'm sure he's in there, don't know if he's dead yet."

"It's fine," I stood from my back, turning off the safety from my gun and the others did the same. "I want this to be quick. When we get him, tranquilizer him and bring him back to the garage." We made our way down the hill, surrounding the building. We stormed it, two girls screamed, and the prospect that sat on the couch cursed. He tried to run but Sniper held him at gun point, the tip of the gun almost in the kid's mouth.

"I fucking dare you." Sniper grinned and the kid paled. His arm had dried blood on it and you could clearly see someone failed at getting the bullet out.

"Tranq him," Slasher gave him a dosage of Xanax and he dropped to the floor. Slasher picked him up over his shoulder, carrying him to the our SUV. I turned to the girls huddled in the corner, their hair was matted and bruises covered their naked bodies. "Sniper, cut them loose and figure out how to treat them."

"How the fuck am I supposed to do that?" He asked, dumbfounded.

"Hold on," I pulled out my phone and dialed Harper.

"Are you okay? I swear to everything that is holy if you're hurt I'll kill you." I had to chuckle, she was cute when she was flustered.

"I'm fine, the guys are fine." I assured her and I could hear her exhale. "I was actually wondering if you knew if that EMT... Williams... I think, could head out to the desert?"

"Not sure, I could ask." There was shuffling and she told Avery that she'd be back. "I think she gets off soon. Where are you guys?" I gave her the information and heard her talking to someone. "We're on our way."

"Harp..." Before I could finish her name she hung up. "Damn!" I out my phone away and Sniper looked at me funny.

"Well, that EMT lady..." I started but he cut me off.

"Sparrow," he corrected and I tilted my head at him.

"Anyway, she's on her way." I rubbed the back of my neck. "Along with freaking Harper."

"Shit," Sniper shook his head.

"I'm gonna stay here with you and leave a few guys to watch the place from the outside, everyone else is gonna head back. We'll deal with the kid later."

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