Chapter 1

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                                                                        Gigi's P.O.V
Beeeeep  I woke up and groaned then slammed  my alarm off.
I got out of bed and went to change into Bella I went into my closet most of it was Gigi's clothes then the rest was Bella's I got dressed. ^bella's outfit above^ I went down stairs and got an apple and yogurt.
"Why can't you just be Gigi why do you have to dress up as Bella"my older brother Jack said.
Because I already ready get enough attention out of school image if Gigi Hadid went to your school everyone would freak out Jack!
I grabbed my iPhone and headed to my car and drove to school and headed in. I opened my locker and grabbed my stuff I was about to shut it when a fist slammed it shut and almost slammed my hand in with it but I jumped back I swear it scared me half to death.
   "Scared much Bella"Zack said
"No" I said lying threw my teeth.
"Yes you were you jumped back nerd"
I just  rolled my eyes
"Don't roll your eyes at me(pause)Nerd!"Zack said
"You probably wish you were a model for like Victoria secret but you never will cause look at you! Zack  said.
If only he knew I just laughed and he looked confused.
"What's so funny"Zack said confused
"Oooooh nothing "I said grinning
"Now I'm heading to class so leave me alone."
I had math and science it was now time for English and great I have it with Mr.Im so popular and better then you all Zack I rolled my eyes and sat down.
"Good morning  class"
Morning everyone said like zombies.
"Today we will have a project that will be do at next week and I will be choosing partners for this project"
Everyone then looked sad when she said she was picking them
"Ok so chase and Jake Brittney and Bree Bella and Zack... Serious with THAT JERK I said in my head after class school was over which should be in about-RIIIIIIING the bell ran and Zack came up to me.
"So wanna go to your house to work on it tonight"Zack asked
"No umm I mean how about your house"I said
"Ok then my place be there at 5 Bella and don't be late or else!"
"Ok...."I said kinda I don't know scared?
I quickly ran to the bathroom and opened my backpack and changed into Gigi's clothes and out of Bella's I know it was risky but I had a photoshoot soon so I ran out to the backdoors and ran to my car and went to the photo shoot
~After photoshoot~

I dressed back into Bella and put the glasses on and headed to Zacks house I got there and parked my car and went and knocked on his door and he answered leading me into his room I looked around his room for a little bit.
"What" he said
"Why do you have posters of Gigi Hadid  in your room"I asked grossed out
"Well cause she's hot duh"Zack said like the jerk he is.
"I looked down at the floor and said let's just start"I said then rolled my eyes
the project...............

Sorry it was a shout chapter btw it's me Sydney the author of this story hope you liked it the next chapter will be more exciting I promise!!!

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