Mapaya II.

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* mapaya * (crepe store)
I jump off of joey's back and we walk to in the crepe store.
"All these crepes, it's so hard to pick" I say.
"The strawberry crepes look good so maybe I'll get that" I think in my head. "Welcome please take a seat and we'll take your order as soon as possible" the young lady says.
"Okay where do you wanna sit?" Joey says
"Let's sit over here" I say as I point to the booth in the corner.

 "Okay where do you wanna sit?" Joey says"Let's sit over here" I say as I point to the booth in the corner

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"Okay" hey says walking over to the booth.
I walk over to the booth and sit down.
"So why'd you choose California?" He asks me.
"What do you mean?" I ask him
"Out of every state or country you could go to you chose California. Why?"
"I didn't choose California, my mom did. She wanted me to experience a better state I guess cause we lived in New York. It's still kind of hard getting used to the heat, but it's fine." I say
"Oh, where are you staying?" Joey says.
"Oh I'm staying in a hotel under my moms name. She wants me to move with my friend Mannie, but I don't want to." I say.
"Why, is Mannie a murderer too?" He says chuckling
"No" I say laughing "but she ruined a lot for me. We used to be best friends. while we were best friends she was always so kind and never really did anything fun, I wanted excitement embarrassing stories stuff like that. But her life was like so perfect I guess. So I asked her, what's an embarrassing story? One night at a sleepover. She kinda didn't reply and went to sleep right after, so I just fell asleep too. In the morning I woke up by water splashed in my face and she was just laughing hysterically. I found it weird how she would never do this but I guess it was just a new thing. After that I-" he cut me off
"This is boring I need the juicy details what really happened that just snapped the stick" Joey said
"Snapped the stick?" I said in a confused tone.
"Basically what kind of made it so awkward between you guys or whatever" he says.
"Oh well I had a boyfriend and she just kind of ruined it. She would tell him stuff that he already knew about me, how she is better, and rumors. He broke up with me and said it was because I wasn't worth it. So he started dating my best friend and she moved. They're still dating and it doesn't really bother me as much but, she sometimes texts me saying "you should come over! It's me and bae's 11 month anniversary" I don't really reply I just read it. Because I know she's trying to push my buttons, but yeah that's how I sum it up I guess." I say in a faded voice.
* flash back *
"I'm dating Mannie."
"I know. And that's why I don't know I can't stop thinking about you. We loved eachother and you just left me."
"Because you cheated on me"
"I would never cheat on you. It's just upsetting that you would believe her over me while we were dating."
"I'm sorry. I love you. I do. But not in the way we used to love each other. If I break up with her she will blame you. So please, I'm just waiting until she stops liking me."
"You're a monster"
"I know."
"You can't just-"
"Anastasia don't you think I know?! I can't just break up with her I can't! I didn't want to tell you because I knew how much it would hurt you but I love her. And I think it's more than our love That we used to have. I'm sorry. I really am. Bye Anastasia."
Those words kept ringing in my head. Ever since it happened. I lied to Joey, I haven't got better with the situation I had just gotten worse. I was tearing up. And I didn't know how to stop it.
"Ana are you okay?" Joey says in a worried tone.
"I lied to you. He left me because he liked Mannie. But Mannie did say all that stuff. He just didn't believe her until she said I was cheating. I wasn't but I don't know, he just didn't like me I guess." I say while wiping my tears away.
"There are better people that will love you Anastasia. Remember that. He is a terrible person for doing that, and not everyone will be like that I promise." Joey says.
"Do you know what it feels like to loose someone you love?" I ask.
"Yeah. It's just like your whole world turns upside down and you have nothing to keep you from falling." Joey says.
"I..I'm sorry this got into a deep conversation, but yeah, it does feel like that." I say in a light tone.
One of the workers walks up.
"Hello welcome to Mapaya what would you like?" She says delicately.
"I would just like strawberry crepes I guess." I said.
"I would also like strawberry crepes" Joey said.
"Okay, your total will be $14.78. You can just pay when you're done eating." She says. She walks away into the kitchen.
"So anyways aside from that, do you need a place to live? I got you covered if you do." Joey says
"I don't usually live in slaughter houses but its better than living in a hotel and walking out in front of smoking people or people you don't know" I say laughing
"Oh I live in a slaughter house now? Awe I thought my apartment was pretty nice" he says jokingly frowning.
"Okay well I'll ask my mom I don't know if she'll agree" I say.
"Yeah well if you need to know who else I live with, I live with my friend named Tayler." He says
"Okay I'll text her right now."
[cell phone screen]
👻-Anastasia ❤️-Her Mom
👻 Hey mom :)
❤️ Hi Honey, do you know if you can stay with Mannie yet?
👻 Nah, I don't want to stay with her. She's different now.
❤️ Well where are you going to stay? I can't keep paying this hotel.
👻 My new friend Joey offered me to stay at his apartment with his friend Tayler. And don't worry, he's really nice.
❤️ I don't know. But I guess it will have to do for now, but I'm going to California soon so I will get to meet them. I hope you're not lying to me Anastasia.
👻 I'm not mom don't worry but I have to go. I'm eating crepes with Joey.
❤️ Okay love you Anastasia.
👻Love you too mom.
I looked at Joey and said "she said it's okay for now" and smiled.
"Tayler said its fine too." He said smiling.
A woman walks up serving us out crepes.
"Thank you so much" I say smiling
"Your very welcome young lady" the nice woman says.
"Your welcome" Joey says with a semi-full mouth.
"Thank you so much Joey, I don't know how I would survive with Mannie if you didn't offer me staying at you place" I say laughing. 
* joeys point of view *
As I open snapchat I take a video of my crepes and then face my camera up to Anastasia. "Ana You should've gotten banana, get it" I say laughing
"Wow I'm dying of laughter" she says sarcastically with a slight laugh
I put the video on my story and save it to my memories.
"So we should get going soon it's dark, want me to call an uber so we can get your stuff and go back to my apartment" I say
"Okay let's go" she says
I call an uber and we wait for it.
One comment and one vote will get me to update very soon. I will update even without it but it won't be as often haha, this chapter took a while so it would be very helpful if you voted. Thank you so much and I hope you enjoy xo joeyscrepes.

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