Story Of my life

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All of this drama talking about Prodigy Is leaving MB :( Smh But Im stil going to do my stories no matter what. #TeamMindless Oh and follow me on Twitter @Lena_Loves_MB and on IG @Oh_ibet


  Asia's POV:

         I woke up in the motel room.I knew that Laylanni and I had a breakfast date this morning so I started getting redy. I had two pairs of underwear,two bra's and pairs of socks, and two more outfits until it was tie for me to do my laundry,so I guess I will do that when we come back from breakfast. I got my outfit layed out on the bed.Nothing fancy My black hollister sweats,a Long sleeve black shirt,my black hollister sweater . I got my toothbrush and my small toothpaste and brushed my teeth in the bathroom and then I took a 15 minute shower.I got out of the shower ,put on deoderant and lotion,and then got dressed.I put my hair in a bun and called it a day. I called the frount desk to see where laylanni was. 

Me: Goodmorning

??: Hello frount desk

Me: Ummm do you know where laylanni is?

??: Room 256

Me: Thank you have a good day

??: You too

      I put on my orange and black elite socks and my adidas slides.I got my wallet and walked down to room 256.


Laylanni: who is it

Me: Its Asia from last night

                                 Laylanni opens the door and goes to sit on the bed

Laylanni: Goodorning 

Me: Goodmorning

Laylanni: You look nice this morning

Me: Oh this its nothing much but  thank you you dont look to bad yourself (admiring her jeans and Peach Shirt and combat boots)

Laylanni: Thank you ..I try but are we just going to stay here and chat or are we going to breakfast Im hungry

Me: I guess we are on our way but where to?

Laylanni: There is a dinner like 12 blocks from here we can walk there

Me: alright 


Me: May I ask why you stayed at the motel

Laylanni: I had a double shift I worked over night and when I do that I just pack a over night bag and stay ..its free anyway

Me: Oh 

Laylanni: May I ask why you stayed at the motel are you a visitor here what's up?

Me: Oh no I've been living here since I was born I just haven't had a chance to get my own place so I just crash at whatever motel is close after work

LaylannI: What do you do? And you seem so young,where are your parents?I know I have alot of questions but you seem like you need help I want to help. I can sence it on you.

Me: Well Since you asked... but its a very long story

Laylanni: You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to

Me: mom raised me alone until I was 10. She was addicted to Crack and she abused me but one day she got locked up and the police took me away.That was how I got into the system. My first Foster parents lived in Richmond Hill and they took care of me and gave me anything I needed.They also had a 17 year old son jabairi.I will always remeber him and that day....He raped me when I was 12. The next day After I was in so much pain I couldn't even walk.My private area was bleeding and I went to the school nurse to tell her. I ended up in the hospital with the police questioning me about the previous night. I ended up in a new foster home 3 days later. This family lived in the projects and I knew the only reason Ms ronda had foster kids was for the money.She reminded me so much of my mother and It made me hate her even more.She had another foster child as well,her name was samantha.She was 1 year older then me at the time and I was 12 going on 13.Ms  Ronda was never home so we barely raised ourselves.She gave us the food stamps card  and money monthly.I stayed there until I was 16 going on 17.I knew eventually Ms Ronda wasn't going to have to take care for me and I would be on my own.I had no issues at this home.I went to school and stayed home.I hated the projects,rapest living next door I couldn't stand the fact that we had rapest everywhere this is probably why I stayed in al the time.There was drug deerlers everywhere and Shootings. I got tired of it.So one day I decided That I wanted to run away.I got most of my clothes in a duffel bag and I stole $100 from her before leaving.Samantha decided to stay so I just left without her.I took 3 trains and two buses to the city.I stayed at a motel the first night. I brought waters,apples,and a loaf of bread.I stayed at the motel for two days.After that I only had 10 dollars left.I took my bag and went to take to more train deeper into the state.I walked for a day and a half hungry.I remember it was 3 am in the morning and I was walking and a man about in this 30's rolled up on e in his car. He asked me how much I charged.First I didn't know what he was talking about but then I figured he thought I was a prostitute. I knew what one was and what they did I didn't want to do anything like that but I knew I needed the oney so I told him $150 for 2 hours. I did what I had to do,got my money,and left. The first thing I did was eat and then I stayed at a motel until sunrise.I began doing the same thing for 2 years.I not proud of what I do but I do whatever it takes for me to survive.

Laylanni: You got yourself a long story. I feel so bad for you. I will Pray for you

Me: Thank you but don't feel bad

Laylanni: so what are you going to do now?

Me: The same thing that I've been doing all these years

Laylanni: Why? and another question do you do it with protection?

Me: I have no other choice and I only do it without protection if they give me more money

Layanni: Have you ever contacted an STD!? DO you even go to the doctor!?

Me: yo shh You are asking a whole lotta questions.I don't see how answering your questions is going to help me!You aren't even that much older then me worry about yourself! DAMN!

Laylanni: come live with me

Me: What you mean come live with you. You barely know me and I barely know you.

Laylanni: We will contine this conversation later because (points across the street at a dinner) we are here


Hope you enjoyed it :)

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to continue. 

I reall want to know you guiesses opinions Kay bye :)

(P.s: any spelling or grammar errors I appoligize )

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