Chapter 14

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 Here is chapter 14, I hope you all like it! :)  The song to the right is my favorite for the week and it inspired me to wirte this chapter.  :)

 Chapter 14

“Harder!” I ordered to the girl in front of me. I knew she was tired but if there is an attack, she can’t be tired. The rogues would kill her instantly and just becuase of not  focusing, you could lose your life.

It has been a week since my date with Daniel. Daniel left the other day with his father because of a problem with in Europe. I haven’t heard from him since and have been spending most of my time with Claire. We have gone shopping, to the park, watching movies, etc. We have become like sisters and sometimes I have defended her from some brats that bully her. I hope they stopped doing that to her.

Sarah did talk to Cameron and he was surprise with the news. He accepted the fact that he was going to be a father and was happy with it. Sarah told him it was his fault and he accepted it too. She told me that for the future he was going to be even more cautious.

For me this week has been hell. The pack whores aka my steps sisters and Natasha, has been annoying me all week, I even got in a fight with Scarlet. Let’s just say that she came out limping and with a lot of bruises. Because of that, Clarisse slap me and it took my three brothers to hold me down. Natasha and I had our little fight too, but it was in human form and I kind ripped out one of her earrings. She was crying and I was laughing. I came out with only a scratch on my arm and it healed quickly. That was yesterday and I think they learned their lesson, for now.

Today was training day for teens in the pack and it was Saturday. They train once a week but is five hours of training. They were doing fine, but some of them needed help, like this girl in front of me. She needed to know how to attack, so I was holding a punching from behind while she hit it. We have been doing for half an hour and she wasn’t improving.

“Sander, come here!” I shouted and he stopped fighting with one of the pups. Sander was one of my helpers in training the pups. He was a very buff man, in his late twenties with curly brown hair and hazel eyes.

He jogged to where the girl and I where, which was on the other side of the gym. He stopped in front of me and I had to look up at his face. Even with my 5’10 height, I still had to tilt up my face a little.

“What Miss Savannah?” He asked politely and I groan. Since we met, he had always called me Miss Savannah. I have told him many times to stop with the formality, but he did listen.

“Can you hold this for me please?” I asked and he nodded. I turned to face the girl and told her to watch.

“Okay, your punches have to be confident, hard and fast, so the enemy doesn’t expect it.” I say to her while hitting the punching bag. She nods and I tell her to do the same that I did. She did it and her punches were better than the last time.

“What is your name?” I asked and she looks up at me.

“Rose, miss.” She replied and I nodded. Rose was a small girl with light grey eyes and wheat colored hair.

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