Dancing : Chapter 11

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"What are you doing here?" I freeze as I hear the cold voice from behind me. I smile to myself but I don't turn around. It was Levi Ackerman: the one who I loved, the one who I left behind, the one who was warm hearted.

"I could ask you the same thing." I still don't turn around.

"What's your name?"

"f/n l/n. You?" I say trying to act like I didn't know. I smile again.

"I'm sure you already know, brat."

"Who doesn't know you, hmm?" I turn around and I start to cry. I finally see him. He's there. In front of me.

Levi, forgive me. After two years, I still love him and he cares. I laugh and cry at the same time as I realised that we acted out the first day we met.

"I'm sorry...Levi... I-I'm sorry!" I break down into tears and I can't help them from flowing.

"I regret leaving you! I regret everything!"

Please fogive me...
I suddenly feel myself being pulled in. Levi had came up and hugged me.


I hugged her as she cries in my arms.

"You don't need to apologise... I need to apologise... I didn't mean to yell at you on that day two years ago. I was afraid that you were going to forget about me and move on onto your musical career. Please forgive me. You have no need to say sorry when I'm the one clearly responsible."

I feel her arms wrap around me and I tighten my grip around her.

"Oh, Levi. I forgive you! Everyday I want to see you again but I've never had the chance to do so."

She whimpers again.

"Ever since I've gotten famous my schedule has become much busier with concerts and meetings and so on."

"I've always wanted to see you everyday but I didn't know how. I thought you had forttgen since."

"I could never forget you." She sniffs.

"I promise it would never change, I mean, I couldn't come home but there's not one day of those two years that I didn't think about you."

She holds me tighter. It makes me happy that she thinks about me. I love her. I wanted to tell her that before anything else happens.

"Levi?" She speaks up before I do.


"Ever since we first met there was something I wanted to tell you..."


"I...I love you. Everyday I wanted to tell you but I just couldn't. It killed me to think that you might have hated me for leaving."

I pull away a little and look at
f/n with my eyes a little wider than I expected. She loved me all this time? And I've never noticed... How could I? Ever since I've met her, I've wanted to protect her, keep her safe; I wanted to be by her side.

"F/n..." I didn't know until two years ago. I loved her ever since I met her. It may have just been a slight crush at first but it slowly developed and our time apart made me fall for her even more. It made me desire her. I put my thought into words. And she sadly smiles at me.


He loves me back... I couldn't be more happier than to hear him say those healing words.

"I love you, f/n." Our lips connect as I wrapped my arms around his neck. When me break apart, I remember the little boy who looked similar to Levi.

"I saw you two days ago with a little boy. Who was that?"

Levi smiles as he answers my question,

"Eren and Mikasa's son. You thought he was mine?"

"I-I mean! He looks a lot like you a-and a lot can happen in two years, you know!"

I blush in embarrassment and turn my head. I hear Levi laugh and it sound so beautiful.

"Well I am distantly related to Mikasa and Eren's mother does have a similar hair flick as me. It's probably to do with genes."

I nod my head and I rest my head on Levi's chest. We dance to the current song being performed - All Of Me by John Legend.

The song comes to an end as the presenter ends the concert with a 'Thanks for coming! Have a good night!'. I asked Levi if he wanted to go to the after party at Erwin's. Of course he agreed! I'm happy that I can have him back again. I'm so happy...

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