Chapter 4

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The person in the picture is Nick. Okay, enjoy. ;p

Michael's day went smoothly, as it normally did. All he had left was gym and he was happy because he and Luke shared that class, and Michael couldn't wait to talk to Luke.

Luke on the other hand had not had such a great day.

The day was almost over, Luke had been through seven of his classes and he only had Phy Ed left. All day he had gotten pointed at. The story went around that the football players jumped him. Luke just wanted to get the day over with.

Luke walked into the locker room. Of course he had to change, so he went to the corner of the locker room and changed his shirt and pants.

Luke was now wearing a black shirt with the word " Nirvana" on it, and some black basketball shorts.

Once he was done most people in the locker room had already left to start class.

Luke went to enter the gym, but right as he opened the door he was pulled back by his shirt collar.

He turned around quickly to see Nick and two other jocks.

Luke sighed. He didn't want to fight right now. He just wanted to go home and lay in bed.

"What do you want now." Luke said as they created a circle around him.

Luke watched Nick the whole time, since he was the 'leader' of the group.

"I want you to feel it this time." Nick said as he locked the door that connected the gym to the locker room.

That's when Luke's fight or flight instinct kicked in. Luke bolted for the door that lead to the hallway, but he was stopped and thrown to the ground.

"Come on Luke, you can do better that that. Can't you?" Nick mocked.

"I don't wanna fight you." Luke said as he pushed himself back to his feet.

"That's to bad, because I'm here right now. And I'm going to kick your ass." Nick said.

Nick went to hit Luke, but Luke ducked so he didn't get pounded.

The two other jocks that were with Nick went after Luke, but Nick held his hand in the air.

"Stop, I got it." Nick said, immediately making the other two boys stop in there tracks.

"Come on Luke don't be a little bitch." Nick said as he watched Luke back away from him.

"Nick, I said I'm not fighting." Luke said as he backed into the open walled shower room.

Nick shrugged, he started walking faster towards Luke until Luke hit the back wall.

Luke panicked, he really didn't know what to do. He was corned and even if he did get past Nick there were the other two boys.

"Look, I really really don-" Luke started but was stopped when Nick lunged at him.

Luke quickly slid out of the way causing Nick to fall on the ground. Luke looked at the other two boys as they came toward him.

Luke was going to get out of this without fighting. He stepped closer to one of the showers, right as the two boys were close enough he turned the shower on.

Everyone in there school know not to take showers because the water was always scolding hot, even if you set it to the coldest temperature.

The boys both hissed in pain, then Luke ran for the door, but Nick tackled him to the ground before he could get there.

"Come on Nick let me go." Luke yelled as Nick roughly held him down while he struggled.

Nick didn't listen, as he pulled back his fist and struck Luke in the face. "You cant get away." Nick said as Luke covered his face with his fore arm. 

Nick then started pounding Luke's stomach. Luke yelled for Nick to stop, but Nick didn't until someone else took his attention.

"Nick, 20 minutes left." one of the boys said from behind Nick. Nick nodded and hit Luke again before getting up.

As Nick was completely off Luke, Luke shot up so fast he fell into the lockers. There's no way Luke was going to get the life kicked out of him.

Luke held his hand over his stomach. Luke didn't know what was going to happen next, but as he looked at Nick, Luke saw rage in his eyes. 

Nick walked closer to Luke and pushed him into the gym lockers.

Luke tried to push Nick off, this only made Nick more upset. Nick pulled Luke away from the wall of red lockers, only to slam Luke into them again.

Luke hit his head this time making him lose his balance. He fell to the floor, all he wanted to do was sleep. And when Nick kicked Luke in the stomach, the pain was to much and Luke spiraled into unconsciousness.

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