Let's talk about our feelings

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Dipper was sitting on the floor, leaning against a wall with his head down. He didn't notice me when I closed the door or even when I stood in front of him. I removed his gag and ruffled hair, but he still didn't look up and it concerned me. "Why won't you say something?" I asked him quietly.

"Because I can't believe you didn't help me." He mumbled sounding very childish. I crossed my arms and didn't respond until he finally looked up and met my eyes. "I didn't know what Mabel was going to do." I told him smiling a bit at memory of her throwing confetti.

"But you knew this was going to happen, didn't you?" Dipper asked, I shook my head no and he sighed. "Sorry for blaming, but I really didn't think Mabel would go all out by herself." Dipper said, I laughed slightly and sat down.

"So Dipper." I began.


"Do you...like me?" I asked while staring at him. He blushed and smiled at me. "Of course I do, it's been really nice having you around here and..." He trailed off at my glare, because we both knew what I was talking about. He coughed and spoke again. "Yes Bill I like you, a lot."

"So why did you run away from the bathroom?" I asked leaning forward so I wouldn't miss the answer. Dipper's face was so red that it looked like he wanted to flee. But he was the one who was tied up and no one said he had to give me a response, even though I was happy when he did.

"Because I can't control myself when I'm with you. I feel so many emotions swirling through me and I don't know what to do. I mean, I just, I bit you Bill! I drew blood and you didn't tell me to stop or push me away. Why didn't you tell me to stop?" He whispered. He was giving me these big pleading eyes that meant he wanted me to say something, but I didn't know what and I couldn't read eyes that well. So I just spoke from my heart, as cheesy as it might sound.

"Because I really really like you, dork. And I thought you liked me back, but leaving suddenly like that made me think otherwise." I told Dipper, while sinking into my sweater. He looked apologetic and tried to move, but his arms were stuck to his side, so he huffed with frustration instead. "Untie me?" He asked.

I weighed the cons and pros in my head and mentally shrugged, we had already told each other our feelings. I stood up and looked around for scissors, which were conveniently placed on Mabel's bed, it meant the group already knew I was going to free Dipper. I sat in front of Dipper and cut him out of impossibly complicated ropes, when they were gone he stretched his arms and then hugged me.

"That was a sneaky trick." I murmured, while hugging him back. We sat on the floor for a few moments on the floor enjoying each other's warmth and company, I started rocking back and forth while humming. Dipper listened while rocking with me, until he tipped me backward and I ended up lying on the floor. He was hovering over me, fingertips gliding across my face and to the bite marks on my neck. I squirmed because they were sensitive and a smile crossed Dipper's face. He leaned further down until our faces were inches apart and then our lips connected. Freaking finally.

Soft warm lips pressed against mine and hands ran through my hair, sending a tingling sensation through up spin. I moaned into the kiss which allowed Dipper to stick his tongue in my mouth. The slow and blissful strokes of his tongue distracted me so much that I didn't notice his hands left my hair until they were slipping under my sweater. But banging on the door, stopped everything at once.

"You better not do anything in my room!," Mabel yelled. "Because your going to be the one to clean up the mess on my floor!" Dipper laughed as we parted from the kiss. I laughed as well although I was slightly out of breath, Dipper winked at me when he saw.

"What if we're on your bed?" Dipper yelled at the door, I covered my mouth to keep in the giggles as he tried to shush me while smiling. I heard multiple inhales of breath, before Mabel busted through the door waving a giant grey balloon. "No babies for you!" She said while hitting us on the head. We laughed and stood up shielding our head with ours hands.

"Okay, okay." Dipper laughed. Mabel stopped and looked at us with gleaming eyes. "You guys are just too cute, being happy and such. So I guess you can say the plan was a success?" She asked while raising her eyebrows and camera up. Dipper wrapped an arm around my shoulder to pull me close and kissed me on the cheek. Mabel squealed and took pictures while smiling so brightly that I felt the corners of my mouth turned up without my consent.

"Yes Mabel, your plan worked." Dipper said, while looking at me softly. I returned his gaze and turned to Mabel when I heard her sniff. She wiped an invisible tear from her eye and said, "I've been waiting for this moment. I'm really happy you found someone bro bro, which is why... we have to PARTY!!!" Mabel threw the balloon in the air and it started changing different colors like a disco ball.

Author's Note

I'm so freaking sad right now because my precious school vacation is ending. Do you know how awful it will be to see everyone from school again? Because most of my classmates are freaking annoying. I didn't say crap to anyone and somehow I still got put into their stupid drama. I'M SO DEAD. None of my friend will go to the same high school as me, so many plans are ruined. I'm gonna be alone forever!


Hoped you liked this story part, I guess I should call it. I really need to stop making cliffhangers, but this time it wasn't on purpose. I just really need to organize some crap and I thought that this would be the best end for the chapter. Because if I would have continued writing it would have soooooo big. Anyways, ummmm, well... that's kinda it really. Bye!

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