The Truth

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"When did the everything start to go wrong for you?" Mabel asked me as we walked to her room. She suggested that we look through her photo album to see if what we remembered matched what her camera captured. I thought that the evidence of what happened before our memories were lost would have been destroyed, but there it was always good to check.

"It started as soon as I woke up, but I guess I took notice when I went to Bill's statue." I said while she opened her door and we had to step over Waddle's sleeping body.

"Mhmm, mhmm I'm listening. So do you think all of this could be Bill's doing?" She asked, excited about the new lead. I thought about it for a minute and then shook my head.

"No, I don't think Bill would do something like this unless we learned something he didn't want us to know. But he's gone, so that couldn't be it." I said while still thinking about it. My heart had contracted when I said that Bill was gone, but I didn't know what that meant. I opened my mouth to tell Mabel about it, but her squeal stopped me.

"What is it?" I asked her wanting to know what she dug up. She was in her closet and obviously found what she was looking for because she was clutching something to her chest while screaming like fangirl. I just watched her freak out and waited for her to calm down, but it looked like her buzz was never going to end.

"Mabel just tell me what you found." I was getting frustrated with her not answering my question, this could be serious in uncovering the truth.

"All my pictures on my camera are erased, but look!" She held up an album that read: Bipper photos (Bill x Dipper). My eyes widened at the picture on the front, it was of me kissing the cheek of a blonde haired guy who looked around the same age as me, I presumed he was Bill. I had glitter in my hair and my arm around Bill's neck, both of us looked like a very happy couple. My heart throbbed longingly at the scene and looking at the picture felt natural, like things should be like this. But I couldn't trust what I was feeling or even thinking, so I just had to question it.

"So this really is Bill's doing?" I mumbled in slight fear while taking a step back from the part of my life that I had forgotten. It made me felt weak that I couldn't remember what looked to be such a happy event.

"No Dipper I think you're right on this one. If Bill really wanted to kill us he would have been had the chance, I think someone made us forget him," Mabel spoke like she was onto something, while I was trying to think of how I could have gotten into such a situation with my enemy. Actually, how was he even alive or even able to have a physical form in the first place? Seems like more questions pop up the more we find out.

"See, I wrote a note by the picture it says 'I can't believe plan Billdip worked. I got everyone to help me lock Dipper and Bill in my room to confess their feelings for each other. I might not have been there to hear them spill their hearts out, but I'm glad their happy together.' I told you." Mabel said tauntingly while running a finger over the words she wrote herself. I was interested in what else was in the album and took it from her.

"Hey!" She said crossing her arms.

I sat on the floor and patted the ground beside me. "Let's just look through this together." I suggested while flipping it to the first page. Mabel flopped down the floor with a huff and then squealed when she saw the picture, it was of me carrying Bill on my back. He looked tired and I looked reluctant, the background was dark and a circle of light was the only bright thing in the photograph so we must have been in the forest. A note read: I guess Bill is human now, that's something. Unfortunately he hasn't gotten used to his legs and slept in the forest without food. Dipper didn't even care, bad Dipper. At least he's making it up to Bill by helping him. My Mabel senses are telling me romance is coming soon.

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