" It's about us right now girl where you going ? " I sang as cooked breakfast for me and Rocky. After the radio interview a month ago, everything calmed down for us. Our lives had slowed down and everything was good.
" Oh baby you know how to wake me up. " Rocky said as he came and kissed my cheek.
" I try. " I smiled. I put his eggs onto his plate along side his bacon & french toast. I grabbed his plate and mine and took it to the table.
" What we have going on today? " I asked as we ate. He stuck a piece of bacon into his mouth and pulled at his phone.
" Well Q is having a cook out for his niece Dayna today. I figured we make an appearance to that. " He said. I nodded and grabbed one of his pieces of bacon.
" That's cool. " I said. I ate the bacon and sighed because even though I just finished my food, I was still pretty hungry.
" I'm getting fruit out the fridge. " I said. I got up and went to the refrigerator. I heard shuffling behind me and turned around to see Rocky standing with a goofy smile.
" Rakim. " I said suspiciously. He took a box out of his pocket. A lump developed in my throat and my eyes widen.
" Alan, my baby girl. Sweethearts forever from beginning to end; my commitment to you will never break or bend. This ring symbolizes my intent to marry you some day, and one day I'll replace it with an engagement ring and a wedding band. When you look at this ring, I hope it reminds you of my promise to never stop loving you. " Rocky said. I sat there in shock with tears of happiness streaming down face. I jumped on him.
" I love you. " I said into his shoulder.
" I love you more. " He said. I smiled but then my smile turned into frown as I felt my stomach turn. I jumped off of Rocky and ran into the bathroom. I threw up the breakfast I just ate and Rocky came rushing in.
" That's the 4th time in the last 24 hours Alan. You need to go see a doctor. " He said.
" No, I don't. " I said. " I'm just going to shower and get ready for this cook out. But first let me take a picture of my new bling and post to Insta. "
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@ pirrochi : this is forever. i promise.
After I posted the picture I got into the shower. I got in and let my body soak in all of the hot water. I washed up and then went to my closet. I pulled out a plain black sundress. I put it on and paired it with my pink Rihanna puma slides.
Rocky came into the room fully dressed.
" You ready? " He asked.
" I surely am. "
~ " Y'all not shit. " I said to Ferg and Illz as they reminded me about how I acted when I seen Justin Bieber.
" You was damn near in tears Alan. " Rocky said and laughed.
" I can't help it, I love his white chocolate ass. " I said as I made a plate. I put ribs, one hamburger, a hot dog, potato salad, and pasta salad on my plate.
" This smells so good. " I said as I walked inside the house.
" Damn girl. You eating like a horse over there. " Q said. I laughed and rolled my eyes.
" Rocky you ain't feeding ya girl? " Q said as he looked at Rocky's smaller plate.
I ignored then as I continued to eat. I was enjoying my food when my stomach started to kick into high gear. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. Rocky followed in after me and held my hair. I fell onto the bathroom floor and started to cry.
" That's so embarrassing. " I whined.
" Come on. " Rocky said.
" Where we going ? " I asked.
" Hospital. " Rocky stated.
The ride to the hospital was very quiet. We were currently sitting in the room waiting for the doctor to come back. I was anxious, because apart of me knew what was wrong, and the other part was in denial. The doctor came back with a small grin.
" Is this your boyfriend? " He asked.
" Yes. " I replied.
" Well Congratulations. You are parents. " He said.