Little Light of Mine

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I'm so sorry I've neglected my stories. I will start back updating because I do feel bad for leaving you hanging, and this is also an outlet for me.

Song of the Chapter:

Eternal Sunshine by Jhene Aiko

Alan P.O.V

Parents. It rang in my head the whole ride home. Rocky had yet to comment on the news and it was freaking me out. I was unsure of how he felt about it. I wasn't even thinking about my own feelings because I was too busy trying to figure out his. I took a deep breath and finally forced myself to speak.

" Rocky.." I said. I looked over at him and he was grinning.

" Rakim " I said again waiting for a response. This time he just laughed.

" We're parents huh?" He said with a slight grin.

" Yes we are. " I said, with a nervous chuckle.

" How does that make you feel? " He said.

" I mean, I'm not sure. It wasn't in my original plan for right now, but I mean... I kind of feel.." He cut me off.

"Blessed?" He said. I smiled because it was exactly how I felt. I wasn't exactly trying to get pregnant, but I do feel excited that I have a mini me inside of me.

"Yes. So blessed." I said. He grinned and then grab my hand.

" I gotta Facetime my Ma." I said. I immediately called my Mom.

" Hi bebe" My mom said on Facetime. She was on the couch.

" Mom. Guess what? " I cheesed.

"I don't like guessing games" She whined. "Just tell me".

" Okay, Okay." I chuckled. "I'm pregnant!"

My mom dropped her jaw then yelled upstairs for my dad. He ran down the stairs with a concerned face.

"What's wrong?" He said.

"Our baby is having a baby!" My mom said. My dad smiled. I knew my parents would be supportive. I'm 24 years old, my career is established, and my relationship with Rakim is stabilizing.

"I know. I-" My dad cut me off.

"I hope it's a boy." My dad said.

"I know that's right." Rocky said. I elbowed him and laughed.

"Ok Alan. We're hanging up so we can tell the family." My mom said.

"But-" Before I could refute it they hung up.

"We'll, they're clearly excited." Rocky laughed. I smiled, but then frowned when I thought about how it would be when Mrs. Mayer's receives the news.

"Too bad you're mom won't be that easy." I said.


Rocky and I sat on the couch and stared down at his mother's name on his phone.

"Oh she's going to think I'm trapping you" I said. Rocky laughed.

"Either way, you're pregnant. So she gotta get over it." He said. I took deep breaths and sat back.

"Call her." I said. He nodded his head and then picked up his phone.

"Hey Mom" Rocky said. He put the phone on speaker.

"Hey baby. What's going on?" She said.

"Mom, we need to have a real conversation" He said.

"Okay. What's going on?"

"What's your problem with Alan?" He said. I was surprised by the outburst. I assumed he was just about to tell her. She sighed.

"Why are we talking about that girl?" She said.

"Because Ma, that's my girlfriend. I plan on being with her forever." He said.

"You don't know the future. I've never seen you attached to a girl ever, so I don't want you to get hurt." She said.

"So you just want me to be alone forever?" He said. She didn't say anything.

"Well.. no, but-" He cut her off.

"So why won't you accept Alan for me? I really do love her. Like forreal Ma." He said. His mom was quiet on the other end. I actually don't think she's ever been this quiet.

"Fine." She said.

"Good. Because she's in our lives forever now. There will be a new addition to the family in 9 months." He said. His mom gasped.

"She's pregnant?" She asked.


"A baby. More importantly, your baby. My grandbaby." She said. Rocky smiled and so did I.

"So your happy?" He said.

"It's my blood boy. Of course I'm happy" She said. They exchanged a few more words and then got off the phone.

"I'm so happy she's happy" I said.

"Me too, babe." He said.

"I want to go over to Cleo's and tell her the news in person. I'm going to drive." I said. I glanced at the time and it read 6:30 pm.

"I won't be long" I said. He gave me a kiss on the forehead and then slapped my booty.

"Better not be."


I walked into my old apartment building, and of course I saw Joey once I got off the elevator. I hadn't talked to him since we broke up, but I figured I would be the bigger person and speak to him. He's still a friend. I took a deep breath and walked up to him.

"Hey Jo" I said. He smiled and gave me a friendly side hug.

"What's good? What brings you round' here?" He asked.

"I am here to tell Cleo some news." I cleared my throat. "I'm pregnant" I said. I tried not to sound overly excited because well, this was just hella awkward.

"Oh wow. Congratulations to you and Rocky." He said with a slight smile.

"Thanks" I said. "I'll see you around, take care" I smiled and waved. I turned around and then walked towards Cleo apartment. That could have been way more awkward, so I'm happy he wasn't acting like a hater.

I used my spare key to enter Cleo's apartment. When I entered, she was laying on the couch watching "The Office".

"Hey sis" She exclaimed.

"Bitch you're a god mom!" I yelled out.

"Bitch you're lying!"

"Bitch I'm serious!" I laughed. She ran up to me and squeezed me.

"Yes finally. Now when I get baby fever I can just take your kid! It better be a girl." She said.

"I just want a healthy baby." I said.

"How did Rocky take it?" She said.

"He's happy. He wants a boy. We weren't planning this but, hey! Everything happens for a reason. I think I'm going to have this mom shit down pack." I said while popping my imaginary collar.

"You will. You're a strong, smart, independent woman. I know you and Rocky got this." Cleo said.

And she's so right. We do got this.


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