Alan fine ass in the MM.
Song of the Chapter
Drama by Roy Wood$ ft. Drake
( fun fact: i freaking love drake guys. thats my heart. lmaooo. )
Alan P.O.V
We pulled into my complex and I took off my seatbelt. I started to get out when Rakim touched my thigh. I felt tingles run through my entire body. I stopped and looked at him.
" I'm happy your back in my life Alan. I know I mess up a lot, but you really do mean so much to me girl. " He said. I nodded and smiled slightly.
" Thank you for dinner. If you need me, i'm always here for you. Goodnight Rocky. " I said. He smiled and waved.
I walked into Joey's apartment and saw him laying on the couch. I walked up and straddled him. I planted kisses all over his face.
" Joey-Wake-Up " I said , in between kisses. He groaned and wrapped his arms around me.
" How's my bunny ? " He said in his sleepy voice. He had to catch a flight in a couple of hours to New York. I chuckled and put my hands in his hair.
" She's fine. I told him i'm in a happy relationship and he is going to have to get over it. So we agreed on being friends. " I said. Joey nodded, obviously not feeling the situation 100%.
" Don't worry pookie. " I said while kissing him. I got up and went to the bathroom to wipe off my makeup.
I was taking my makeup off my face when I saw I had a text message from Rocky. I put my wipe on the counter and opened the message.
No matter who you're "with" you are mine. You my baby forever. You and Joey can continue to be in this little high school relationship, but i'm the nigga you gone be marrying. Have a nice night.
Rocky P.O.V
I sat there looking at the text message I just sent. I was slightly tipsy; however not to the point that I was unaware of my actions. But if I was completely sober, I probably wouldn't vilify them either.
I couldn't shake the feelings I had for Alan.
As shitty as I treat her, that's my world man. Joey is no doubt treating her better than I probably do. But I know she still feels the same. Its hard to shake feelings so strong. If it was I would act like she didn't exist. My phone lit up, indicating I had just received a new notification.
My baby-
Rakim , stop it. Please.
I groaned and hit the dialer. I pressed the contact saved as " My baby ". The phone rung several times before I hung up.
To My baby -
Answer the phone.
She responded back right away.
My baby-
I'm busy.
I looked at my phone and sighed. I heard the door downstairs open and sighed. It was 2:12 A.M and 4 months pregnant Chels was just now walking in. She stumbled in and hiccuped.
" Hey Rock " She giggles. I looked at her in disgust. I glanced down to her skin tight dress. She had no baby bump, just a completely flat stomach.
" What the hell? Where is all the baby weight ? " I asked. She looked at me a groaned.
" Ugh Rakim, how clueless are you? I'm not pregnant. I haven't been pregnant for months. I went straight to the clinic right after I told you. Abort. Abort. Abort. " She laughed. I felt my stomach drop.
" What? " I mumbled.
" Did you seriously think I was going to keep the baby? Be a mom now? " She paused and laughed. " It was just for me to gain some fame and to make money off you. I've been stuffing shit in my shirts so you could think I was pregnant. I can't believe you fell for it. " She slurred. I clenched my fists and took a deep breath.
" Get out. " I said. She got up and shrugged.
" My pleasure " She giggled. I watched the drunken whore leave and fell to my knees.
I was hurt.
It had nothing to do with her being a hoe, cause well that's expected. However, I was looking forward to being a father. Really really looking forward to it. And she ended the dream so easily.
When nothing kept me going, the fact that I was about to have a mini me running around did. I never expressed this to anybody cause that's soft.
Now I feel alone.
I got into my car and drove straight to Alan's. I needed her now more than ever.
Alan P.O.V
I was laying in bed back at my place when I heard a knock on the door. I stayed at my place since Joey was flying out to New York for a couple of days in the morning.
I got up and looked through the peephole. I saw a sad eyed Rakim. I sighed and put on my black silk robe. I opened the door and looked up at him.
" Can I come in ? " He said. I nodded and he walked in. I closed and locked the door. I turned around and he was looking at the floor.
" Rah? " I said. I saw a tear fall from his eye and hit the floor.
" She lied. " He said. I looked at him confused.
" What are you talking about ? " I said. He took a deep breath and wiped his eyes.
" Chels. She got an abortion months ago. She has been lying this whole time. She's been using me. " He said with his voice breaking towards the end.
I felt my heart split a little for him as I walked over to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and massaged his back. I felt wetness on my neck from his tears and sighed.
" Shh, you're okay. " I said softly.
" I was going to be a dad Alan. I just started to accept that, and she just took it away from me. " He said. " I've lost everything at this point Al. First you, now this. I'm lost. "
" I'm here for you. You haven't lost me. Look, you can still have a child. This just gives you a chance to do it the right way, with somebody you could actually start a family with. " I said. He looked up at with red eyes. I hated to see him like this. He seemed so vulnerable.
" Let's go lay down. " I said. He followed to my bedroom and we got into my bed. He laid behind me with his face facing my back.
" Alan. " He said. I turned toward him so I could see his face.
" Thank you. I won't go over any lines out of respect for your relationship. But god do I love you. You have my heart girl. " He said and then turned around with his back facing me.
Drama. Drama. Drama.
Ok. So I am about to post the prologue of my Joey Bada$$ fan fic on here. If you guys like it, I'll publish the book and its first chapter.

Lethal Lips Vol. 2 ( A$AP Rocky Fanfic )
FanfictionAfter a bad breakup, what does the future hold for Alan Pirocchi and Rakim Mayers? Read Lethal Lips before reading this.