Chapter 13

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Drew POV

After I got some food I saw Niall and Callie at the door waiting for me.

"Ok so Drew, we think we should go shopping, Starbucks, than an little dinner before we leave" Callie smiled.

I nodded. I walked to an black car with Paul behind me. He kinda looked like my dad. So I stepped behind Niall. I hugged Niall and he looked a little confused.

"What's wrong honey?"

I pointed to Paul, yes before this I kinda was an fan so I knew who was who. "H-he looks like my dad"

"Honey Paul is not going to hurt us, all he's doing he helping us get away from fans" Niall said.

I had a little hope in me an just hugged Paul, out of no where hugged him. He hugged back and Callie was smiling.

"Hi Paul" I said

"Hi Drew I think your parents are waiting for you in the car" he pointed.

I waved bye and jumped in the car.

"So Drew tell us an little about your self" Callie asked.

I never told anyone my past but these people are my parents so I think I need to tell.

"We'll names Drew, my favorite color purple and green but I like purple better. I love basketball and soccer, I like one direction but was never an crazy fan. I love Ed Sheeran and his music is amazing. I play guitar, piano, and drums. I sing and write songs and my favorite song has to be "Bang Bang Bang" out of the ones I wrote. I'm 15 turning 16 Oct 15. My favorite show has to be Pretty Little Liars." I saw my mom jump and I laughed because I remember her saying that she was Lucy's sister when I was in the hospital. "Um when I was little we had an perfect family. My mom and Dad where happy and never fight. My dad never went to an bar, club ever. I always sang and that started at 10. I started singing a little in front of groups so I missed school a lot. Once that was on an break I went back to school I was about 12, well I started getting bullied because I was on tv but not an big star at the time and never was. I got bullied and called names and all that's stuff. 1 years later my mum was driving to get my dad some food. Well she was driving and an drunk driver was driving and bye my mom. What got me off was that she died and the other driver was perfectly fine. Well she died and my dad took his anger out on me. Hit and kicked. Punched turned to bruise. After all that I was 13 I started to cut and stop eating. At 14 I got an boyfriend, perfect one any one dream. Yea well after a little but it's turned to abuse but never sex, just hitting and tell me what to do. You guys saw that day what he did to me well that was nothing. But I never got the guts to say where some never I was always shy. But now I'm here!"

I looked up from my lap and saw Callie was whipping tears and Niall was holding Callie close. I want an boyfriend like Niall and an cute couple like Callie and Niall or my parents!

"Well hun your with us now" Niall said

"I know how girls like shopping, buts we kinda went shopping with out you, AKA online shopping" Callie said.

I laughed because yes I'm girly but I hate shopping to many people!!

"So I think we can go to an little diner because we have like 3 hours till we need to leave to DC"

I nodded.


We where sat at an table in the back of the room.

"So Mom tell me about your self"...

Callie POV

"So Mom tell me about your self"

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