Chapter 40

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Drews POV

I lay next to Alex. We both just finished watching some old tv shows on YouTube.

"Your beautiful" he whispered.






"And most of all your mine" he kissed my forehead.

"Alex" I took of his nerd looking glasses and put them on me "I heard you talking to Louis"

He brushed my hair "it's fine I just told him i wasn't going to turn on you"

"And I promised I wouldn't make the same mistake" from his touch it felt like heat, like warmth just were he was touching me.

He pulled me were my head was on his neck.

"What do you think my parents are doing on there date?" I trailed off.

"Hoping he's proposing!" Alex laughed, I lightly punched his shoulder.

"Guys dinner" I heard Miss.Horan calling us.


Callie POV

I fix my Maxie dress like skirt. It was a navy blue pattern zig zagging with white. Just above the waste a band held it tight to my curve. The top was a spaghetti strap navy blue poffy. My shoes, well we decided on a brown sandal that wraps around my ankle leaving my black toe nails open. For my hair it was in a braided hair headband with some lose bangs in the front. The only jewelry I had on was the promise ring.

Niall pulled out my chair and bowed "for my lovely lady"

I giggled sitting down "Hello my name is Trinity I'll be your waiter today" I looked up to the middle aged women handing us out menus "Our specials today are grilled chicken stuffed with bacon and cheese stuff mushrooms. Can I start you guys off with drinks?"

I looked at Niall like a lost puppy "Tell your winer that it's for Horan and he'll know what wine"

She nods closing her pad of paper an waking away. I looked around at the scene and awed.

"It's beautiful" I mumbled turning my head to see the view.

"It's it! My mom took me and Greg here once for my birthday" I smiled as Niall grabs my hand.

"Let me guess my mom told you are tonight" I sighed "she did she said how you need to do some stuff"

"Just forget about it, I have a fun filled night"

The lady put the glasses if win in front of us and I quickly grabbed my menu to look over my options.

Niall grabbed it from me "We will both be having the chicken stuff with bacon. Please bring the bread stick to" he handed the lady out menu.

She wrote everything down in her pad and paper and nodded "it will be out shorty" she walked away and I snorted "shorty more like half an hour"

Niall laughed, he took out his phone and tapped away "I saw the picture of you today at the sandwich shop"

I blushed pink "I found it funny"

He chuckled and showed me the picture, I pointed at myself and looked at the comments on twitter.

'She's old enough to do that but why?'

'This just shows why Callie Hale is boss'

I chuckled and read one more comment.

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