Love So Cold

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You were a Jedi. No one as a matter of fact and you were sent on a mission to Star Killer to collect what ever you can about the place.

A/N: This story is based off of one of my Smut Imagines from either of my Kylo Ren books! I hope you all will enjoy and here it is!


- Chapter one

The mission room was packed with several members of the resistance of them being meny races and species but all of them share the same heart and that was for distroying the First Order and bringing peace to the galaxy. "I'm so glad you all could make it to this very important mission." General Leia spoke. "The truth here is that we have taken a very powerful blow and we won't last long out here so we need all the important information that we could get. Which is why I'm asking (Y/N) (L/N) to retrieve what ever she can from the First Order and send what ever she can to us."

"I would be honored to," You were a Jedi and a highly gifted one and you were no stranger to saber fighting or fighting for your life so this would be a peice of cake in comparison to all the battles you been through.

"Good. You will be looked after from a distance and keep your ship on. That's the only way we could keep in contact with you," She said.

"I will not let you down! If I die out there I will die for freedom!" You shouted and everyone cheared for you. It seemed like most of the people looked up to you since you were the only Jedi in sight and you were lucky to be alive since you survived the temple massacure.


You readied your ship and you set up everything that you needed to and you headed out. As soon as you saw the massive planet that was turned into some sort of weapon it seemed massive in comparison to the first death star.

You pulled into lightspeed and your ship fell dangerously close to the surface until it crashed completely. The systems suffered the most as the ship was completely distroyed but you were fine. "Oh no how could this get any worse?" How were you going to get back or contact anyone?!

Well, screw it! You had a mission to do and you weren't going to let some stupid ship crash effect you and change the mission for the worst. You just had to get what ever you could back to them and you weren't going to give up as you made your way through the snowy wasteland towards Star Killer base itself.

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