Shiver Off Pain

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  - Chapter Five

  The trooper watched you for a few hours as you would shiver endlessly. Your lips went from purple to blue and it looked like you were going to freeze to death if nothing is done to help you.

  Kylo Ren soon came back storming into the room before the trooper stopped him, "Sir, she will surly freeze to death if she dose not heat up soon,"

  Kylo eyed you, slowly freezing. "See to it that she heats up by what ever means nessasary. Keep her alive and if she does try to escape then you have the privilege to go easy on her but," He raised his voice and grabbed onto the troopers shoulders, "KEEP HER ALIVE!" And with that he stormed out of the room and you were too weak to fight back when the trooper walked over to you and realised your restraints and held a gum to your back.

"Come along, Jedi!" He shouted and you were forced into a bathroom, "Get yourself undressed and get into the shower," And with that he shut the door- no wait slammed it and left you alone to do just that. But, this place wasin't a prison cell at all. They don't have showers just everywhere and this must have been- no it can't be Kylo's quarters!

  You slowly stripped yourself and you got into the shower and you turned on the water. The hot water hit your skin perfectly. You still were freezing and you couldin't take it anyone so you turned up the heat a bit and eased into the hot water. Your body slowly began to heat up and sooner or later you got out of the shower and there was a pile of towels and a fresh pare of black fuzzy clothes for you to get some rest as it seemed that way.

  You changed and crawled into bed since you were completely exsusted from being so cold.

The trooper on the other side of the room watched you for a second and exsepted the fact that you were freezing and you needed a proper place to rest even if that ment sleeping in Kylo's bed. So he let you be and walked out like nothing happened but he guarded the door.


  You slept peacefully, heating up and feeling much better. But you had no idea what was going on outside.

  Kylo was giving the trooper hell for letting you not feel the pain that you were supposed to, "Why would you do something as stupid as letting her sleep in my bed?!"

"S- she would have froze to death," The trooper studdered, "She could have died sir,"

  Kylo grasped onto his shoulders and tightened his grip, "You aren't to let her die or treat her like one of our own. (Y/N) Is a enamy and she will be treated no differently,"

  You heard all of this. Why is he saying things like that after just a couple of hours ago you two were... Well you know 'in the cold'.

  But Kylo passed the trooper and he rushed over to your bed side and he told the trooper that he can leave now and that he would take care if the rest. You were still slightly awake and you could feel as he stroked the side of your face, lovingly. But you tried bit to flinch at feeling the cold lether touch your skin.

  But then his gaze left you for a second and then you could hear his heavy boots move across the floor and then you could hear the creeking of a chair as soon as he sat down. You could feel his eyes on you as soon as he sat down. He seemed amazed by you and now you slowly fell asleep facing the other way from him.

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