Justin sees bernie on tv( justin pov)

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"hubby cut on the tv it's a nice American guy running for president he's just as progressive as you" my wife says from the other room. I cut on the tv to see a nicely aged man old enough to be my dad with plenty of wrinkles and nice gray hair with a bald spot at the top. He seems cool like a friendly elderly neighbor that you help from time to time cool but no one I would take seriously as president. As he opens his mouth I hear a really hard New York accent. After that I knew he meant business. As he talks about his plans for free collage and free healthcare I can't help but notice how attractive he is. Yes I know I just called someone who could be my dad attractive, but love has no age limit. "Honey, is there anyway me and this man could meet" I say to my wife "I mean anything could happen you are the prime minister of Canada.Why do you ask?" She say. "Ummm.......To talk about his ideas on how to make America better" I say knowing that that's not the true reason I want to meet him. The true reason is to express my love for him and to see what he'll says to me. After all who wouldn't love me with the good looks I have. Even if he isn't gay I'll try to make him gay.

Leaders in power (Bernie sanders and Justin Trudeau fic) Where stories live. Discover now