Justin calls bernie (justin pov)

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After hours of calling people and searching everywhere I finally got Bernie's number. I try and try for what seems like 10 minutes to have the guts to call him but I just can't. What should I say? What excuse should I make up? What would happen if I mess up? I really don't want to say something stupid and make Bernie think I'm stupid. I want to please Bernie. I don't know much about him but I know he's passionate about student loans and health care maybe I can talk about that? Well that's not really that much of a babe magnet. Maybe we could talk about personal stuff like what sports he likes. Wait but he doesn't seem like a sports type of guy. Ugh this is so hard. Ok this will be easy. If running for prime minister was easy then calling Bernie will definitely be easy. Wait what was his number again? Ok I got it.
*rings phone*
Bernie-hello this is Bernie sanders may I ask who's calling?
Justin- uhhhhh..............Hello mr.sanders it's Justin Trudeau the pm of Canada.
Bernie- ohh hello mr.Trudeau I love all the work you did to help Canada become more progressive.
Justin- please Bernie don't call mr.Trudeau mr.Trudeau is my dad. Just call me Justin
Bernie- ok then Justin
Justin- or you could call me Trudaddy
Bernie- what was that?
Justin- um nothing nothing. But let's get to  business. I've called you to tell you I've invited you to come to Canada and visit me here at parliament hill  in Ottawa so we can talk about your campaign and how we can add my name to the list of people who are supporting you.
Bernie-what an honor sir I really appreciate it
Justin- and I really appreciate your message... Ans your body
Bernie-what was that?
Justin-nothing nothing
Bernie- oh I must be hearing things you know as you get older the more you loose your hearing.
Justin- oh trust me I understand
Bernie- I'm so sorry to cut the conversation short but I have to prepare for a speech I have in Charlotte tomorrow. This is very important
Justin-ok.. Hope you have a very good day in Charlotte. And I know how busy it can be running for office I did it all last year.
Bernie-goodbye now
Man I think he knows that I like him now ugh. Why did I have to say any comments? Now he knows that the prime minister of Canada is a creep that's into old men. Or maybe he was into it? I don't really know to be honest. We'll find out what impression he has about me when he comes here to Ottawa. I have to make everything grand and to Bernie's liking. I have to please Bernie. I have to make this something  Bernie will remember forever. He will love me forever..

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2016 ⏰

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