VIII: Another Chance.

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Previously on The Best Thing-

I slowly started to walk out of the living room and into their bedroom. Once I was in there I grabbed the suitcase from their closet, and as fast as I could I put just about all of her clothes and shoes into it. I scrambled around the room grabbing everything that's her's. It took everything in me to keep putting things in the suitcases and bags, and not help her. Tears started to form in my eyes, I need to get her out. I need to.

And now on The Best Thing-

(still Chelsea's pov)

I've got most of her things now, and I keep hearing Sam begging for Chris to stop. I scanned the the room one last time seeing it turned upside down. I grabbed the suitcases and tossed it out the window. My plan it is go back in there and get her then go to my place. I run back in the living room and I see Sam's legs agitating all over the place, Chris has his back to me and is kneeled over her body. My hands started to shake. I ran up on him and as hard as I could I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him off her.

"Let her go now! Let her go!" I yelled. He let off a little bit but not enough, I tried again and the same result. I panicked. I whipped my head all around trying to find something, anything. I seen some alcohol bottles. I lifted it up in the air and I hit him hard on his head. He flopped over. Once he got off of Sam she inhaled a loud breath and coughed. He was choking her. Helping her up. She went limp in my arms and cried, I cried with her.

"Come on, we're leaving." I said holding her head against my chest. She didn't respond, she just walked with me. I opened the door and walked her to my car. I helped her in and closes the door. I ran to the back of the house grabbing the suitcases. Going back to car she wasn't there. Don't tell me she's back in the house. I jogged to the house to see her keeling next to his knocked out body.

"Sammy, what are you doing? Come on!" I shakingly breathed out, not knowing if he'll wake up or not.

"I-I can't. I love him Chelsea you can't take me away from him." She hiccuped.

"Sammy, look at you. He would've killed you if I wasn't here! Please I'm begging you to leave him. Please, let me help you out Sammy. This isn't good for you." I begged her, tears forming in my eyes again.

"Can we at least wait till he wakes up?" She asked turning to me, red marks already starting to form on her neck.

"No. If we wait, who knows what he'll do to you and I. Please come with me. Please." I answered firmly. She opened her mouth to say something but I interrupted her. "Look at me. You deserve something way better than this. Please let me take you out of this, let me help you." I added. Wiping her tears away. She whimpered and nodded her head. I grabbed her hand and took her to my car. Closing her door I ran to my side and got in and drove to my apartment.

On the way to my apartment, I stopped at a red light and turned my head to Sam. She has her knees to her chest, sniffling here and there and leaning her head against the window, the sun shining on her face.

"Hey, you wanna get something to eat?" I asked, making her flinch by the sound of my voice. She shrugged. Pressing my lips together and I nodded. I stopped at a Wendy's and order both of us food.

Pulling into the parking lot I glanced at her again, still in the same position as before. "Ok. Come on." I said softly. Getting out, I set the food on top of the car and opened the trunk. Grabbing her things, I told her to grab the food. She slowly followed behind me to the elevator. We reached the 4th floor and we were greeted by one of my neighbors.

"Hey Chelsea, always lovely to see you." He waved.

"Hey Dave! So glad to see you back, Taylor whined to me about how much she missed you" I laughed "Where did you go anyway, you've been gone for what. About a month or so?" I asked

"Aw yeah Taylor always does that. Yeah just about a month, and I was on tour. I thought Taylor would've told you that already." He responded. We continued to carry on a conversation, when I realised Samantha was standing there awkwardly with her head low and our food still in her hands.

"Oh sorry, uh Dave this is my bestfriend her name is Samantha and she'll be living with me from now on. And Sam this is my neighbors boyfriend, his name is Dave. His girlfriends name is Taylor, you'll like her." I introduced them. She said a small 'hi' and waved. Him returning the gesture.

"Well hey listen, any friends of Chelsea's is a friend of mine. Don't be afraid to drop by sometime Sam. I gotta be heading out, I'll see you guys later." He nodded his head and walked past us. I walked to my door and unlocked it.

"You can set the food on the counter." I told her pointing to the kitchen, while carring her bags to and extra room I have. Luckily I have an unused bed and dresser for her to use. I walked back out to see her in my living room looking at my family pictures I have on my wall.

"So I put your things in the room next to mine. I'll think you'll like it. But you can always change it up if you please." I said, startling her again.

"Okay. Thank you. Is it alright if I take a shower first?" She asked.

"Sure, you don't have to ask silly girl. Go ahead, your food will get cold if you don't hurry. And if that happens I'll gladly eat it" I laughed. She cracked a smile and walked to her new room.

As days pass-

A few days have passed and Sam is adjusting well. But I can still see that she still has a burden on her heart. And she's not totally over what happened a few days ago. Sam & I both quit our jobs, and hoping to find new ones soon. But both our money put together we'd have enough to live on for a few months (being stippers and all.)

I'm flipping through channel's not finding anything that peaked my interest.

"Hey, I'm gonna go out looking for jobs. If I find anything you want me to get you an application too?" Sam asked me.

"Yes, that'd be good. You can use my car if you to too" I replied. She nodded and mumbled an 'ok'. Grabbing my car keys she headed for the door. "Be careful. Oh! Pick me up something to eat please! It's still breakfast time!" I said before she closed the door. She laughed and nodded again.

Sams pov•

"Ok...where to next?" I asked myself tapping my fingers on the wheel. "Coffee place? Sure why not" I answered myself. Ok I'm talking to myself, stop being weird sam. I pulled up to Starbucks. I already have a few applications in the car. Plus I'm getting tired and I promised to get Chelsea some food. I walked into the sweet aroma of coffee.  Ugh how much I've missed coffee. I pulled out my phone replying to a text Chelsea sent to 'hurry up', when I bumped into someone.

"Oh I'm sorry" I apologized to the person.

"S'fine" they said. Wait...I know that voice. My gaze traveled the persons face. It was -

"H-Hayden?" I furrowed my eyebrows together.


Cliffhanger af, how ya feel? I feel fine lol.

So...this was an intense chapter right? That's how I felt. Idk you and me are two different ppl, but love the same things lol. I don't know where I was going with that.

Ok, bye guys. ily

btw 1403 words wtf, high five bruh

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