XIX: Her's.

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Sams pov-

4 months later

"Are you sure you're fine Sammy?" Chelsea asked for the 500th time today. Ever since Hayden and I broke up I guess I've been distant and sad all the time - according to her at least.

"Yes I'm fine. You keep asking me this and each time I say I'm fine." I replied getting angry. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to get angry. It's just, I know how I seem right now, and trust me I'm fine Chelsea." I said sighing out.

"Its okay Sam. But you can't stop me from being worried about you...Now come on, let's go to the store. We need to stock up on some food." She told me. I nodded heading to my room to go and change.

I put on a band tee and slipping on my shoes. "Okay. Come on let's go." I said grabbing the keys and heading out.

-@ at the store -

"Here. Go grab a kart. I'm gonna go to the bathroom then check out the music section real quick." Chelsea spoke out once we walked into the store. Leaving me to be the adult to buy the things.

"Yeah.. sure. Hurry back" I laughed.  Grabbing the kart I walked down aisles picking out things.

A few minutes had passed by and Chelsea still isn't back. I pulled out my phone while walking towards the frozen section to get some waffles. I typed away, not even bothering to look up from my screen. I bumped into someone.

"Oh I'm sorry" I said softly. Then putting away my phone.

"Oh no, I'm sorry." He apologized. I looked up at the man. It was him...my heart sank. My eyes went wide. I wanted to cry into his arms but I controlled myself. "S-Samantha" He stuttered out.

I let go of a breath that I didn't know I was holding in then said "Hayden" I managed to say calmly. His hand came to my cheek, and I just barely lost it. Chelsea...where are you when I need you...


Okaaaay this is the second part bros. The next chapter will be longer I'm pretty sure of it. Again srry this is short. It's meant to be short.

Just an fyi, on Thursday night I was washing dished right and I fucking dropped my phone in the dish water 😊😊😊😊😊😊 and we didn't even have rice at that time so I had to let it air dry.....but it works now and everything is fine lol thank you for caring

Okay that's all, thank you for everything guys. Much love guys. Byyye

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