Chapter Six

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The driver had pulled the car away from the curb and we were headed in the opposite direction from where I lived. I knew that we were heading towards the rich side of town, I expected that much. Still, it was pretty hard to believe that I had made contact with not one but three boys that lived on this side of town.

'Mom and Dad would be so happy.' I thought to myself sarcastically. They were the ones who forced me to go to this school, moved me closer and took on extra jobs to pay for the tuition. By now, I assumed that my Dad was freaking out about the bills that we weren't going to be able to pay; not that it's something we're not used to. 

I looked over at Kevin, his dewy green eyes stared out the front window. I looked over his smooth jaw and amazing bone structure. He was slim enough to look like a model and a beautiful guy at that too. I wondered how plain I looked next to a guy like Kevin, he probably thought that I looked plain too. I wondered what I'd have to do to ever have a shot with a guy like him. 'I don't have that kind of money.' I thought to myself miserably.

His eyes slid over to mine, obviously aware of the fact that I was staring at him. "Oh, is that how it is?" He smirked.

"What do you mean?" I asked a little too quickly, my face growing hot as I turned to stare awkwardly out the window.

"You like me, don't you?"  Kevin asked. I could feel him shift closer in his seat to me as he spoke, the fabric of his pants made a slight noise as he slid across the plush seat.

I wanted to deny it like my life depended on it but I would have been lying. "I don't know how I feel." I said slowly, unable to lie to Kevin.

"Well," Kevin said into the closed space. "I wouldn't be offended if you did like me."

I snuck a quick peek, Kevin sat there, buckled in and leaning back, his eyes looking up at the beige cloth that was tightly drawn against the car's hood.

Something in my chest seemed to swell at the idea of seeing a guy like this, thoughtful and reflective. I liked seeing him soft and sensitive opposed to the bold and confrontational guy that I had to deal with earlier.

The car seemed to wind further and further up a long hill, the further up we got, the bigger and nicer the houses were. I gaped at what looked like a five story mansion, bigger and better than any of the other houses I'd seen. "Wow, look at this one." I said, pointing at the large rectangular house.

Kevin smirked as the vehicle came to a crawl. The driver turned into the long driveway and towards the beautiful white brick building. I looked over at Kevin, surprised. "This is..."

"This is my house." He said it as if he was telling me the time of day. I felt my heart race. The driver parked at the front door, got out of the car quickly and swung Kevin's door open for him. Kevin turned to help me shuffle out the back door on his side and as soon as I was out, the driver pulled away to take the car elsewhere. Kevin looped my arm through his elbow and lead me towards the house. "Let's go."

He lead me towards the large white double doors in the front, the large, oval windows that made up most of the door were stained glass. They looked as though they had the windows adorned with Blue Roses by hand. I thought of all the effort that must have gone into making windows that looked like that.

The doors promptly lead us into a large entryway. The concept must have been blue because the rugs on the polished white floors were a powdery blue, as well as the stair runners that ran up the double stairs that lead up to the second floor and everything that counted as decor was a similar shade of blue.

I noticed that the only thing that wasn't quite blue were the dark lilac coloured roses that sat elegantly in their blue vases. "The roses aren't blue." I said aloud as we climbed up the stairs to the second floor.

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