Chapter 1 • After Effects

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This Chapter is dedicated to the persons who contributed to this book in one way or another:


Thanks guys:)

March 20, 2011
7:30 am

"Come on Katherine!" Dad bellowed from inside his car. "If we don't leave now then we'll be late!"

"Coming!" I yelled back as I locked the front door of our house while trying to calm the butterflies in my stomach. The day had finally arrived and I could hardly contain my excitement.

Rushing over to the car, I hopped in and closed the door with a huge grin on my face. Gavier Castle, here we come, I cheered mentally, anticipating the car's movement but was sorely disappointed when I felt none whatsoever.

"Ahem! Ah Kat? I know that you're extremely excited about leaving, but just remember that I also have to be inside the car before that can actually happen. A little help here?" Jake grunted as he struggled to lift his own suitcase from the pavement.

"Um, I'm kinda busy. Don't you see that I'm too excited about this to even allow myself to be distracted by you or your bag?" I replied shaking my head. "Even though you're my best friend Jake, you can be so conceited at times." I teased, smirking at him through the open passenger window of the car. He rolled his eyes at me and paused to wipe the sweat from his brow. I laughed. I swear he reminded me of a girl sometimes with the amount of luggage he brought wherever he went. My laughter was cut short however when my dad cut in to cease the delay.

"Katherine, go and help the boy out. You're the one who begged him to come in the first place and if we stay here another minute, we are going to miss the entire welcoming assembly." he ordered with a shake of his head.

"Fine." I sighed.

"I swear you're both only kids in adult bodies."

11:00 am

"Wow." I murmured in awe as I looked through the window and out at the huge castle standing some distance away. Jake, even with the difficulty of trying to see around my head, was obviously also entranced by the sight before us.

I still could not believe it! We were going to be staying at a castle for an entire week and it was all thanks to my dad.

He had gotten a promotion at the beginning of the month, moving up from just a member of the staff to Vice President George Harrington of the third building in Remora Business and Shipping Corporation. Let's just say that he had accomplished more than he ever had, in two years of working there, this month. His goal is actually to work at the first building of all nine companies of the corporation, but he's going to have to be a lot more than just amazing to earn a job there.

Remora Business and Shipping Corporation, just saying the name mentally made me shiver involuntarily. Even though I didn't really know that much about the corporation, I think I knew enough. As I had mentioned before, the corporation is made up of nine companies; the ninth, the eight, seventh, and so on, with the first and head building being the Remora House. The companies get less important as you go down the line, from the Remora house to the ninth building, so I would say that my dad was in a really good position at the moment being the vice president of the third most important building of the corporation.

After EffectsWhere stories live. Discover now