His Determination

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It took us five hours of non stop driving to reach out birth house. We live in a remote area that not many people knew of because mom and dad didn't want anyone to know where the house was for safety reasons. I get up off my bike and stretch out and groan from all my sore muscles. Zehira walks up to the door and unlocks the door leaving it open for me to follow once I grab some of the bags to take inside. I walk in and take a deep breath as many emotions hit me all at once.

"I kept it up since I'm the only one that pretty much lives here. Your room is still the same as is many of the house." Says Zehira from the staircase as she heads to her room. I walk slowly through the house and think back to when me and Zehira were small and about how much I miss mom and dad. There are still pictures of them the throughout the house even ones of me and Zehira when we were baby's Till now. From the looks of it she added new pictures of us from when they died Till now. I get to my door that leads to my room. I take a breath and open it. Everything is still as how I left. I walk over to my bed and sit down in it as I scan my room. There are pictures all over my walls of family friends and even other hunters I trained with or knew at one point. Even my best friend who isn't my best friend any more is still up there in a picture of me and him smiling.

"Hey." Says Zehira from my door.

"I still can't believe after all these years what has happened ya know." I say to her as I continue looking around the room.

"Me too but at least we are still alive and kicking." She says and I laugh at that.

"Come on let's head to dad's study so we can find out more about Sillas and then come up with a plan based on that." She says as she leaves the entrance to my room with me following her.


As I see her leave I get a sad feeling wash over me as I head back into Zarola's house.

'Stark we need you at the pack house ASAP' Ajax mind links me.

'What has happened?' I ask him. He wouldn't have mind linked me if it wasn't important. Usually he would have called and told me what was going on. However his tone in his voice says otherwise.

'We have in coming rouges and a lot of them.' he says and that has me sprinting back to the house. Rouges? Not one has set foot since the night that Zarola took out those two that ambushed Jack. Why would they be back now....maybe it's because the hunters have left and think they can take my pack. If that is the case they are dead wrong. As I reach the pack house my dad is waiting outside the door with mum.

"Hi son how are you doing?" ask mom as I walk up to her and give her a hug and kiss her cheek.

"As good as i will be." I say to her. She and dad don't know about my mate yet i want to wait to tell them when she comes back so i can introduce them to her and the pack also. They need to know who their future Luna is. I hoping that they will accept her just like i do. I have no doubt that they would but i have a feeling that maybe they won't.

"Come on son we need to go in the situation isn't good." says my father as i nod and follow them to my office when Ajax is waiting with one of my warriors. They have multiple pictures on my desk and they all look bad. Multiple murders and many of them from our own pack.

"is it him?" i ask trying to hold the rage in my voice. Ajax nods crossing his arms as his muscles bulges from keeping his anger under control. He is as pissed as i am Arsen was a good friend of his until he hurt his mate which was one of the reasons why he got kicked out of the pack.

"we know what he is after now he is trying to make a statement so we will go looking for him. We need to take this cautiously and watch his movements. He is not working alone now so we need to watch out for his partners also. I want more patrols throughout the territory and i want those pack member who live far from the pack house to move closer. We don't need to give them targets." I say.

"I'll get the patrol groups set up and have at least one elite warrior in each group." Says Ajax as i nod and him and my warrior leaves the room.

"I'll start to make mind links to those pack members that are farther out from the pack house and arrange them to move closer."says my dad as he and my mom leave. I sigh thinking about what is going on and what i will have to do for the next week. Which will involve paper work and some calling around. I am getting very tired of these people thinking they can attack my pack and get away with it. This time they will understand who they messed with and who they will be fearing when i am through with them.

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