Celestial Wolf

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We get back to my house and I see Zehira standing on the porch. She looks at me and her eyes widen at the state i'm in. I can't seem to shift back and let out a wolf sigh. She walks over to me and kneels down so she can see me at eye level. She looks into my eyes and a smile spreads across her face knowing its me by my eye color.

"I thought I wouldn't see you again Zo." she says with emotion in her voice.

"Now what's with the wolf form cool and all but..." she says trailing off looking at my face.

I let out a snort. I remember back to what Dex and Lucian were talking about and fear hits me. No I can't be. I let out a whimper and They all look at me. Sense i can't really communicate right now it's hard to show them my frustration and concern. I want to shift back already but i can't! I don't know how to.

'Dont worry child ill help you.' says someone to me in my mind i freak out.

'Who are you?!' I say back while the others seem to look at me funny. They see my sudden change in my mood.

'I'm your wolf I have been waiting for the day i could finally talk to you. My name is Artemis.' says my wolf.

'That's cool but i thought i was just human? How the hell am I wolf?! Why do I feel so powerful!' I say to her as she gives off a warm smile to me. Keep in mind i see her wolf form in my mind.

'You are a very rare type of wolf that is now extinct, we are called celestial wolves. We are basically as powerful as the moon goddess herself we can also talk to her with a special mind link that you will get later on for now we need to turn you back to your human form. Our mate is starting to worry.' She tells me as I look at Stark who is looking at me with a worried and concerned look.

'Okay what do i do Artemis?' i ask her as she tells me that i need to imagine my human form. While she is telling me i create a mental image of my human form and begin to feel my bones crack and reshape into my human form. After a few minutes of excruciating pain i am laying on the ground butt naked but human.

"Well at least she is human again." Says a chuckling Raveena but Stark growls as a dark expression crosses his face as he puts his jacket over me so i can cover up. I feel shaken up and terrified at what my wolf told me. Stark picks me up bridal style as I notice i have enhanced everything his scent is driving me crazy.

'That's because he is out mate they smell incredibly delicious and it's hard to resist.' says Artemis. Okay makes sense.

"Stark stay with her in her room tonight she seems to be in shock and she only seems to react to you." says Zehira as we walk away from everyone into the house to my room. Stark kneels in front of me after he sets me on my bed in a sitting position at the end of my bed. I look into his eyes. They show concern for me but they also show his love and compassion for me and something else. Lust. He grabs my face and kisses me passionately. I catches me off guard but I kiss him back while sliding my arms around his neck and up into his hair. He smells so good and his hair is soft. I realize my wolf purrs at the contact and i do the same which he chuckles as making me confused as i look into his eyes.

"Stark what is going to happen to me i'm so confused and scared plus i'm a werewolf i didn't even know i was!" I say to him as he holds me close to him.

"You are strong and fierce Mo shíorghrá." He looks at me and I feel the love I have slowly developed for him. I never thought I would feel this way towards anyone even a werewolf. But I know now what I am to him and his goddess has given him a very complicated mate.

"I'm not so sure anymore not with how I feel about myself and how I feel about you." I say bringing my face close to his and kiss him on the lips slightly. He smiles and stands up abruptly while pulling me up into his arms. I'm startled but wraps my legs around him.

"Is that so?" He says raising an eyebrow at me. I smile a wicked grin at him and kiss him hard in the lips. I hear a low growl that rumbled deep in his chest. It stirs something up inside of me. Making my wolf purr in happiness.

"Stark..bed.." I say between kisses. He moves forward toward the bed and lays me down gently while positioning himself on top of me. I'm still wearing only the jacket I got from him. I pull off the jacket as Stark is tracing my tattoos on my arm. His touch sends shivers through me. He kisses me on the lips then trailed them down my throat to my collar bone. It's driving me crazy by how slow he is going I won't be able to take more of this. His eyes are a now a bright golden color from his normal forest green color.

"Stark..." I say whining a little. He laughs then slides his arm across my belly to my chest a gasp from me by his touch. He smiles as he begins to open the jacket. I feel heat rising to my face. I have never had a man see my body before unless it was for a tattoo or I was injured. My heart is beating so fast I can hear it in my ears and feel it in my throat. He lifts up off me off of me and looks at my upper body. I have tattoos all down both my arms. I have the new one that has the two wolfs. He looks at that one and begins to trace it.

"I never thought that I would be with someone who has tattoos all over herself and has piercings." he says into my ear.

"But it only adds to your beauty and charm. Your eyes were what caught my attention by how fierce and strong they were. By how when you looked out the window they would glisten and come to life." he says to me making me blush a bright red. He stares me in my eyes then kisses me while invading my mouth and playing with the metal ball on my tongue.

"I never thought I would be with a wolf whose eyes remind me of the Forest. Soft green and brown that I can't seem to ever get enough of." I say pulling myself up to him taking his shirt off. He has a six pack and is very well built. I run my hands across his arms then I settle them back to him chest. He is watching me looking at my reactions and feelings. I haven't felt this relaxed in ages let alone felt this overwhelming feeling i get when i'm around Stark. Tears slide down my cheek and Stark kisses them away for me. I rub my cheek against his and take in the smell of him. Safety and strength is what he gives me now. It's weird for me to accept since I used to be alone killing other things even wolfs. Hell my sister used to call me ruthless and downright scary when she saw me mercifully kill a vampire without any remorse.

"Calm down Zo my wolf can't take the sight of you in pain and crying." he says bringing himself close to me. I take in some shakes breaths and focuses on him and the way he feels. He shifts and is looking at me watching my face. I kiss him and he kisses me back. Next thing I know he has his hands exploring my body. I feel butterflies shoot into my stomach and my face feels hot.

"Zo what are you embarrassed about your face is completely red." He says raising an eyebrow at me.

"I never exactly done stuff like this before...." I say hiding my face behind my hair. He laughs a deep laugh and pushes my hair away from my face.

"I'm glad I will be your first then sense you are my mate." he says taking off his pants and boxers. He hesitates before he enters but I nod telling him it's okay. He enters slowly getting a wince from me but I have dealt with worse. Hello got scars all over my body not to mention tattoos and piercings. Stark goes slow but eventually speeds up. I moan out his name as I reach my climax and come in a warm hot release. He lets out a breath once he does to. He wraps us up in a blanket and I wrap myself around him feeling safe and happy.

"Go to sleep now Mo shíorghrá." he says as he kisses the top of my head and I fall into a deep sleep.

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