Chapter 4 - The First Night

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I was now sitting in the empty hall,mom was on the phone and I was thinking about all that had happened. a flashback ran through my mind about the old shed, the voices,the white mist, the words SHE'S BACK. I felt a chill run down my spine.I could hear mom calling me.The call gradually got louder but I was still lost in my thoughts when suddenly I felt a pat on my back. It was mom.She looked at me with a questioning look.I sheepishly looked at her and answered

"I miss my old days. I miss my old school, the neighbourhood everything"

"Things will get better" my mum said with a comforting smile "now forget about that I bet you're hungry." Gosh I completely forgot about food. I had not eaten anything for the past like 7 hrs and thought of food maddened me and I like a little kid followed my mum to te kitchen where she had already kept everything ready- plates, spoon,forks,dishes everything was neatly spread out for me

"So whats on the menu tonight?" I asked her. "Well when we stopped at McDonalds I picked up two meals from there itself here" she said handing over my meal bag. I quickly wolfed, chomped and munched everything down.

Ahhhh so satisfying. I checked my phone quarter to one its late "I think I'll turn in for the night good night" I told my mom who was half asleep already. We---well goo--d nigh--night James.

I went upstairs and then the memory came back, the mist or whatever it was clogged my brain.I pushed aside all the thoughts walked up to my bedroom door,got in, and tucked into bed.I did not switch off the lights,since I knew I would freak out even if there was nothing

I was now in bed. Just as I was about to close my eyes I heard what sounded like someone scratching on the window. It started to give me the chills.I felt like I was being watched

I mustered the little courage which was in me and got out of bed.The sound stopped no sooner I got out of bed.I cautiously proceeded towards the window, which led to the garden and to my horror I saw it again, the white mist transforming into a person-a lady a young lady dressed in a red dress and a white scarf around her neck but it saw me and boom that lovely young lady turned into a lady who must've been dead for a weak and was decaying.Its eyes popped out and blood seamlessly flowed out of its body, the skin colour changed to white too. It looked at me and let out a loud shrill.

I scampered out of my bedroom and ran to mom who was not awaken by the scream which may have even woken the dead. "What? You saw a lady dressed in white who looked like a ghost and then saw her eyes pop and blood flow profusely out of her body? Oh James you've had a nightmare look" she said pointing to the kitchen window which led to the garden, and sure enough it dint look like nothing as compared to what I saw hardly five minutes ago.No blood, no lady nothing. It was peaceful, still and quiet. "Go back to sleep and let me get some too" mum grumbled and I hurriedly left the kitchen and went back to my room. I laid down back in bed and tried to get some sleep but the more I tried to close my eyes the more I feared I would see her again

"Something has to be done" I said to myself as I closed my eyes and fell off to sleep.

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