Chapter 8

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(Chapter 8)


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(Chapter 8)

(Ash POV)

Its raining hard again I think its going to be like this for the rest of the week it reminds of last Monday the last time I kissed Gabriel I sighed I needed to get Scarlett’s phone again to find out whose the numbers they were, T-bone couldn’t give me the last 4 digits but he said I should be able to figure it out with the ones I have, I pulled into the parking lot and walked into school getting soaked in the process I saw Alex in the hallway sulking I groaned at that before I walked over to him and sat down on the floor with him.

“What’s up with you” I asked looking straight ahead.

“I don’t know I’m confused right now” He said I glance at him and chuckled the idiot liked someone.

“Who is it,” I asked he looked at me with surprise.

“No one she doesn’t like me anyway” He mumbled I sighed.

“Ask her out then, there’s no harm done if she says no yeah it’ll be a little awkward at first but then you’ll both think back on it and laugh” I said pulling out a stick of strawberry flavored gum that’s another thing I’ve been eating ever since this started it reminded me of Gabriel.

“It isn’t the same” He said under his breath I looked at him confused he shook his head I shrugged oh well I’ll find out sooner or later.

“What one” I asked holding it out he looked at it with his face scrunched up and shook his head.

“No you don’t even like strawberries” He said I shrugged and put it back in my pocket.

“I learned to love it” I mumbled I stood up and stretched.

“Ask her maybe she’ll say yes” I said walking away from him I sighed at least he has something of a love life, I walked in first period only to see that Gabriel wasn’t there I guess that was a good thing partially I sat down in my seat just as Alex walked in with a look of determination I shook my head at him.

“Ash what’s the real reason you’re going out with Scarlett” Sean asked I looked at him popping a bubble.

“Don’t know she seems different when we’re by ourselves and she great in bed” I said thinking of the first thing that came to my head Alex grinned at me and patted my shoulders.

“And the old Ash is back and in action” He said I shook my head at him no that person isn’t back at all, matter of fact that person would never be back if I had anything to do with it.

“So when are you going to leave her” He asked I shrugged hopefully in the 3 weeks once this week is over its down to 2 more and I’ll be free and with Gabriel.

“Don’t know, when I get tired” I said bored with the conversation not wanting to talk about it Aly was looking at me frowning.

“What” I asked not wanting to answer anymore questions I’m starting to get pissed off with myself and them.

“Something isn’t right you lasted almost 4 months with out sex and now you are back to it” She said I frowned

“How do you know if I wasn’t having sex in those months” I said she scrunched up her face.

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