Chapter 30

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Sorry for all the errors i tred to go back but its 2 in the morning so some of the words may be spelled backwards or out of order. i'm delusional at thisn point

 Chapter 30

(Ash POV)

 I laughed at Gabriel as her face still held disgust. Over the little camping thing we had gone fishing and hunting. I killed a small deer and some fish. When we got back to the cabin she insisted on being there while I prepped the food. Turns out she has a weak stomach, she almost threw up when I gutted the fish and don’t get me started on the deer she nearly passed out with that one. I had to take her to the other room and give her my I-pod so she could occupy herself.  Other than that we had fun well I had fun laughing at her, she had flipped over the boat making both of us fall in because she had felt the need to stand up in a old fashioned paddle boat, anyways while we were hunting she had freaked out and shot into the air, turned out she had killed a unsuspecting squirrel it was hilarious when I fell from the tree right by her feet, after that she had given me the gun back then she cried over the squirrel before burying it. I had found completely funny and not necessary but she insisted and I have to keep my girl happy so we had a funeral.

“Stop laughing its been like a day already get over it,” I chuckled at her frowning face as we walked happily into lunch, we were a little late today because one we were tired as hell from last night and two well I didn’t feel like getting up.
“I know, but you were so cute,” I stated smiling at the little pinkness on her cheek, I kissed her temple as I sat down at the table.

“You guys party tonight,” Alex said passing me the invite, I raised my eyebrow before nodding it was Rick’s birthday, his parties were always the biggest, lets just say his father isn’t as modes as his, don’t get me wrong though my family had way more money than his we just didn’t show case it around, okay we did but we were discreet about it.

“Yup, what about you Gabs,” I asked she nodded and sat at on my lap, I chuckled and wrapped my arm around her waist while kissing her neck.

“You okay,” Aly asked I smiled grateful for them sending Gabriel up, if she hadn’t come I probably would’ve been up there for another week or two.
“Yes, thanks” she winked and looked at Gabriel, I looked down and shook my head she was sleeping in my neck. I guess that’s to be expected I had to literally drag her out the bed today just to get here by lunch.

“We actually just got back early this morning about two,” I said Aly and Carey nodded, I stared at Carey noticing something different she had a different light about her, her eyes held more than happiness now, I mean she was happy before but now she seems satisfied happy.
“Care Bear, we need to talk later,’ I smirked at her knowingly while she blushed she only ever looked that way once and it was when Declan and her first met, but this was better than that though.

“Okay,” she muttered meekly, I nodded nobody was going to hurt my care bear again last time I was dumb enough not to notice, but I would be watching out for her for as long as she lives, she was basically my little sister that I never had, her and Aly but Aly always had Sean to protect her, now I had to look out for Carey and of course my Gabby.
“So, where did you two go somewhere romantic,” Jenna asked I shook my head and drifted back to the cabin. I missed her maybe I’ll visit her today or tomorrow.

“Um I’m going to take her to the nurse office,” I mumbled swiftly avoiding the question while Aly and Samantha both mouthed an apology, I shook my head waving them off as I carried Gabs out the cafeteria. I walked down the hall until I stopped in front of the office.

“Abigail you in here,” I asked while pushing the door opened, I peeked in seeing her sitting by her desk reading a book, she pointed to the bed, I went to the back and put her in, before pulling the sheets up and tucking her in.
“Abigail, how you been,” I sat down in front of her, she frowned at me, I laughed and shrugged while moving her papers out the way. She sighed and leaned back folding her arms.
“Fine and you,” I shrugged looking over at Gabriel as she moved and curled up with the pillow. I grinned as the sun shinned her beautiful blonde air.

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