Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

(Ash POV)

I woke up with a few tears until Jo told me to shut up and do whatever the hell I was going to do today. I sighed and dressed in a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. I pulled my hair up into a ponytail before grabbing the set of keys Jo had given me. I put my shoes on while she watched me.

“What are you going to do,” She asked I shrugged I had no clue what I was going to do but I was going to talk to Gabriel. I had texted her all night asking her for forgiveness I even left her countless of voicemails that she probably ignored.

“Gabriel’s,” I mumbled walking out the door. I walked passed the kitchen and out the door ignoring the calls I was getting from my family, I got into the car quickly and sped off in the direction of Gabriel’s. I didn’t know what I was going to say to her but I know damn well that I was going to get her back. It wasn’t long before I pulled into her driveway I could see her fathers truck which made me nervous I mean her father wasn’t intimidating who am I kidding the man could probably fling me around without breaking a sweat. I sighed and stepped out the car, I walked to the door and knocked.

“Hey Ash,” He said frowning at me I gulped and smiled the best I could I probably look a mess right now I didn’t get much rest last night because like I said before I was up all night trying to talk to Gabriel.

“Hello Sir is Gabriel here,” I asked he shook his head with a grim line on his face.
“Sorry son she doesn’t want to talk to you,” I sighed as my shoulders slumped I figured she didn’t, I probably wouldn’t talk to me either.

“Can you give her this,” I asked holding out a envelope he looked at it and nodded.
“Yeah but I don’t think she’ll read it,” I nodded and ran my hand through my hair which was now falling onto my shoulders, he stared at me for a brief moment in amazement I think before he shook his head I raised my eyebrow.

“Well it was nice meeting you again,” I mumbled turning off his porch that envelope had everything I needed to say to her it didn’t explain everything but I hope it would be enough to get her to talk to me. I went got back in the car and drove down the street before I pulled over into an alleyway. I climbed out and ran to Gabriel’s house quickly, maybe she’ll talk to me if I show up at her window. I reached her house and snuck around the side until I reached the tree. I climbed up effortlessly. When I reached the top I spotted her ripping the letter up and throwing it in the trash. My heart dropped in frustration and sadness but I couldn’t give up now. I reached out to her window and pulled it open quietly, I could hear the small sobs leaving her chest. I hopped in and walked over to her slumped figure. I didn’t know if I should talk to her or if I should leave.

“Gabby,” I said quietly she turned to me quickly with her hand over her heart.

“Leave Ash,” she said weakly I shook my head and stepped closer.
“Please let me explain I love you,” I started but she pushed me away from her and yelled for me to get out, my eyes widened as she slapped me and pushed me towards the window.
“Gabs wait let me tell you,” I was cut off by feet coming up the stairs, I sighed and climbed out the window her dad would kill me. I stood on the tree branch closing the window as she started to cry again. I wanted to go to her and explain everything to her but how could I when she wouldn’t let me near her. I scrambled out the tree, when my feet touched the ground I snuck out her yard seeing Alex’s car parked right behind her fathers. I sighed and looked away it heart knowing she was taking comfort from someone else.

(Gabriel POV)

 I sat in Alex’s car waiting for the warning bell to ring. Ash has been constantly calling, messaging and showing up at my house for the past two days. I haven’t spoken to her since that day in my bedroom when I told her to get out but that hasn’t stopped her. I had to leave my bedroom and sleep in the guest room just so I could get some type of sleep without her knocking on my window every hour telling me that she was sorry or something stupid like that. At this point I just want to forget everything, I’ve cried too much over this pass month and I didn’t want to spill any more tears.
 “We’re going to have to get out sometime,” Alex said while placing his hand on my shoulder, I sighed and nodded. To tell you the truth I just wanted to go home I didn’t want to face Ash because I knew I would break down no matter how hard I try I know I’m going to break down.

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