Chapter 3-Expectation V Reality

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The next morning as Im dragging my feet into the sixth form block I think-I hate Monday's! Ugh! I really need to make some new friends but Im way to anxious so Im just gonna stay out of everyone's way. I watch people chatting and laughing. They're having such a good time and I'm just the loser sat at the back. Life is so unfair! I'm not sure how long it takes for Mrs.Wheatey to get herself to school but it sure takes a while! She stumbles into the classroom muttering to her self. Mrs.Wheatey is in her late 50's and has completely lost it. She's an absolute nutter! She's short and wears clothes that even my grandma wouldn't touch!
"Everyone settle down now so I can take the register,"she says in a embarrassed tone.
"Hey bread loaf were you getting it on with Mr.Langely again?!" A boy yells from across the classroom in a snarky tone and everyone bursts out laughing. Oh yeah about that. There's been rumours that Mrs. Wheatey and Mr.Langely were seen kissing in the janitors cupboard. It went from a kiss to her giving him a blowjob! God! Why are teenagers so god damn dirty minded! Anyway everyone stops laughing when the door opens and someone walks in. I can't see them yet but something tells me they are either super weird or super hot. Which one is it? I need to see people get out of my way! Ugh! Finally I see him- OMG he is so cute! His light brown hair is styled with probably a whole tub of hair gel! His eyes scan the room until they find me. Gulp. Why is he looking at me?! There are loads of spare seats around the room, not only that but people are literally clearing spaces so that he will sit next to them. Jerk. I gaze up at him as he sits down next to me.
"Hey," he whispers into my ear and I nearly let out a giggle. No Katey get a grip you are not going to get close in that way with anyone! The last time that happened you were heart broken and depressed. But I can't help but whisper back.
"So what's your name?" Luke asks in general curiosity. A big grin spreading across his face. Ugh! I don't even want to think about what's going through his tiny brain right now! He starts to frown at the time it takes me to answer. That's when I remember I haven't actually said my name yet. Shit. Well at least I gave him the impression that I'm stupid?
"My names Katey" I say, well that came out bolder then intended. The all famous grin is back.
"Hi Katey, how you doing?" He sing songs. I roll my eyes at his....his I don't know! Just him! I think I'm gonna play along though.
"Hi ya Luke I'm doing just fine what about you?" I sing song back, and his grin grows even wider. I didn't think that was possible. I wonder how much his ego weighs. Probably a ton or so. He chuckles lightly. Suddenly I hear Mrs Wheaty saying
"Ok kids it's time for class off you go" As soon as she finishes speaking everyone rushes out of the classroom. Hmm since when were people so eager to get to class? Probably because Mrs Wheaty is our form tutor. I roll my eyes. Geez people show some respect! As I'm getting up I feel a light tap on my shoulder. I look over my shoulder to see Luke staring at me with puppy dog eyes. Note to self-when a man does this it most definitely means they want something from you. I nod my head at my new addition to my boys actions dictionary.
"What do you want Luke?" I say not beating around the bush. The sooner he spits it out. The better.
"Umm well," He says scratching the back of his neck. Note to self-if a man scratches the back of his neck it most definitely means he feels either awkward, embarrassed or genuinely has an itchy neck.
"Just get to the point Luke I don't exactly have all day ya know" I point out looking at the clock worryingly. I flipping hate being late to class! This has definitely got to be worth it or I'm never speaking to this jerk again. I know that's how seriously I take being late to things.
"Well I umm was wondering if I could walk you to your class?" He asks nervously. I frown at this. This guy is very forward. I'm not exactly sure I'm ok with that. Note to self-when a guy is being to forward for your liking it means he's either interested in getting into your pants or likes you. A lot. If you get the drift.
"Sorry but I promised my friend that I would walk with her to our next class, maybe another time?" I say politely not wanting to offend him even though he is a jerk. I can't believe I just lied my way out of that! Most girls would be head over heels for him by lunch time. I roll my eyes at that. Some people are really pathetic I think. Then I sigh. That used to be you Katey. That used to be you.
"Oh ok that's fine, just remind me when next time comes along." He says and winks at me. I roll my eyes. I know I do it A LOT. But I mean come on! He is such a jerk! My eyes wonder over to the clock. And suddenly I'm sprinting faster then Usain Bolt. I hear laughter behind me knowing it belongs to Luke. Well unlike some people I actually care about being late to class. I think to myself as I rush into the classroom completely out of breath and anxious. Some people start snickering, I scowl in their direction.
"Care to share with me why you are late by 20 minutes Miss Roberts?" The teacher says whilst raising two very bushy eyebrows at me. God has she heard of plucking?!
"Umm sorry miss I got umm lost" I stutter out whist ploping onto the last seat in the room. The person next to me is a a guy. Great. I roll my eyes. Ugh! He's picking his nose! That's disgusting! But instead I keep my head down and play close attention to what the teacher is saying despite the fact that it's boring. I want to get good grades. And make your mum happy. A voice nags at the back of my brain. I push it away. The rest of the day passes fairly quickly. I catch Luke looking at me a few times. And each time I smile and wave at him. And each time it's causes him to give me his massive grin. Before I know it I'm lying on my bed thinking about today's events. Translation-thinking about Luke. I sigh. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

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