Chapter 1-A story of a lifetime

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As I walk past the council block, I sigh. Why was I even here? My social worker keeps saying that I need special help and that going to council sessions will help me get over it. Like thats going to happen. I guess she's probably just tired of me. To be honest I would be too. It's not that easy to get me to speak to her let alone to agree with her truly ambitious ideas. I mean councils are just-ehh. Waist of time if you ask me. I mean not only have I just moved here with no friends let alone any boys! I'm going to be stuck in a room with people that don't even want to help me just so they can pay to watch Netflix when they get home! My mum is paying a lot of money for these people to try and "help" me. And the worst thing is;it isnt even going to happen! I was a really stubborn child growing up-I found it really difficult to open up to people about things. Now Im at the main entrance and Im definitely not looking forward to this. As I enter I see a young pretty girl about my age behind the reception-she's short and slim and has light brown hair that's in two French braids down the side of her head. She has bright red lipstick one but its fading from where she has drank or ate something.
"Hi what can I do to help?" She says lightly in a bright and cheery voice. However much I want to be rude I guess it will have to wait.
"I'm here to see Mr.Sawyers could you please tell me where I could find him?"I say back my voice low. Confusion sweeps over her face and then sympathy.
"You can't possibly want to see Mr.Sawyers he's been dead for nearly 3 years!" She exclaims in shock. We get a few looks from members of staff and she blushes in embarrassment. WHAT?! He's dead! So I came all this way for nothing when I could've been at home curled up in bed eating popcorn while watching all the Disney movies I own!
"Oh ok well I best come another time sorry for the inconvenience." I apologise and hurry out the front doors. My mum and I are going to have a serious conversation about time wasting when I get home. In my anger I don't notice that I have a run straight into a boy about my age walking in through the doors. Oops.

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