Closing the Door

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Everything's moved into to your new room Elsa aren't you excited" her father told her, but in reality Elsa was scared she didn't want to hurt her sister again but she still wanted to be with her. She shakes her head frantically "no please I can't I can't I don't want to go in there" she starts sobbing her mother kneeled next to her "Elsa this won't be forever it's just temporary until you get your powers under control then you can come out and play with Anna as much as you like but if you don't get your powers under control you could hurt her again you don't want that do you". She nodded no as she went into the room and as she was about to close the door behind her she caught a glimpse of Anna "at least she's okay" Elsa thought as she closed the door she heard her father's voice "it's for the best Elsa". Snow began to fall again, the past few weeks haven't been so bad she had her breakfast delivered to her she took her lessons privately and Gerda is nice enough to bring her a set of books to her room. But she always felt like something was missing "Anna" she jumped when she heard a knock on the door "Elsa do you wanna build a snowman?" She heard her say "finally why didn't you just say so of course I do" she thought as she started running towards her door. She started to reach for the handle when she froze images of Anna in her lap not moving started floating in her mind her parents scared and worried tone "but if you don't get your powers under control you could hurt her again, you don't want that do you?" Her mother's words kept ringing in her ear "no" she thought she back away from the door listening to her sisters plea Elsa didn't know what to say all she okay say was "go away Anna" the words left a bad taste in her mouth "okay bye" the sound of her sister defeated. Elsa leaned against the wall put her knees against her chest and began to cry "its only temporary, but what if I can't control this" she said to herself a thin sheet of ice started to spread from her feet she looked up and snow began to fall "no no no! This can't happen this can't happen at this rate" she thought to herself she began to walk around her room iced formed on the floor with each step she took. Her heart started to race pounding inside her chest everything she was touching kept freezing her whole body started to shake but it wasn't because of the cold it was the fear she huddled herself into a corner as her whole room was incased in ice she covered her ears started to cry and let it it a scream of desperation "Mama! Papa!" "Elsa Elsa hold on we're here will be in there as fast as we can" the last thing she heard was the sound of the door's hinges breaking.

Two weeks it's been two weeks since Elsa's breakdown she was hiding under her sheets trying to get away from the world from it all. "I wish sometimes I didn't have powers so I could play with my sister even if I learned to control it I would have to lie to her every single day the weight I bear its to much" she thought. "Elsa I'm coming in I have something that might help and after that you will eat weather you choose to willingly", and her father came in Elsa got out of bed to greet her father he kneeled next to her and told her to lay out her hands. She did reluctantly and placed her hands in white gloves "the gloves will help, remember conceal it" she didn't want to conceal it kind of that was the hardest part she wanted to protect her sister but concealing it was weighing her down "is there another way" she thought to herself then she heard mama's voice "you could hurt her again, you don't want that do you?" "I guess there is no other way" she finally spoke "don't feel it, don't let it show" her father smiled then had a spoon toward her mouth reluctantly she opened it and accepted the food.

Short but sweet anyways I hope you guys like it and are interested in reading the next part if you have a questions let me know in the comments and if you like tell your friends and see if they might be interested in reading it

Thank You so much for reading :)

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