As the Years Pass

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Three years later

Elsa look at her sketch she's gotten pretty good at drawing along with her penmanship her father now jokes about asking her to falsify his signature so he doesn't have to sign so much paper work. She started considering accepting his offer she had nothing better to do. She looked down at her sketch of Anna on horseback "I wish I could learn how to ride, but I might freeze the horse" she thought moments later her sketch was now an image of her in horseback racing against her sister, and she immediately crumpled up the paper and began to cry "if only if only". She left her door open a crack because her parents forgot to lock it she just wanted to remember what opening a door felt like it felt freeing now she could feel her sister's presence better but this time is felt to strong "Elsa! Elsa why are you in here?" She froze she's here why is she here? What do I say to her how can I explain my absence my powers! Hearing mama's voice "you could hurt her again" the images started taking over her mind "no no NO! Anna get away from me get away! I don't want to hurt you" she thought "Come back to our room! I know Mama and Papa said it's..." "What no no that can't happen Anna please go I don't want to hurt you" she thought but that wasn't exactly what she said. She finally turned around to face her sister trying desperately not to cry she knew the only why she could talk was to not show an once of emotion "go to your room Anna you can't be here." She waited patiently for her sister to leave "but..." She couldn't take it any more her sister needed to leave before she hurt her again "you could hurt her again, you don't want that do you?" "Enough enough" she thought "I mean it! Go away!" Her sister was to stunned to move Elsa started to walk forward getting ready to push her sister out she touched her and immediately recoiled "she's shivering just like..." Then Elsa gently closed the door. She punch her fist into the wall "dam it Dam it! Why can't I talk to her why do I have these powers why..." Then suddenly frost started to spread out from her fist "what? But I have the gloves on no no no" then her parents came through the door "Elsa what's going on" they started to walk toward her she started to walk back towards the hiding her hands in her chest "worrying only makes it worse" she saw him starting to place his hands on her shoulders she quickly reacted "no! Don't touch me! Please... I don't want to hurt you" she saw the look on her parents faces a look of defeat and sadness they left the room. She covered herself under the sheets trying to escape from the world she took off her glove and formed a snowflake "it's pretty" but she knew it could also be dangerous she knew now they were tied to her emotions she would just have to hide them "conceal it, don't feel it don't let it show" she said and from that point on she wouldn't let anyone touch her not even her parents and she addressed everyone formally and became as cold as her powers.

Seven years later

She heard a knock on the door it was her parents she secretly wished they wouldn't come in they were the only to people she couldn't hide her emotions from "Elsa come with us were going down to the solarium you will learn how to control this" he said very determined when they were there her father asked her to take off her gloves and touch the floor with just her fingertips ice quickly spread she recoiled hiding her hands in her chest her father now gave a stern look but spoke as calmly as possible "Elsa you are the heir to the throne if something happens to us it will be your duty to take over the kingdom and in turn opening the gates which means opening the gates" "open the gates no I can't I'm not ready!" "Elsa come here" her mother said but she refused Her father looked at her "Try again Elsa" but then everything was covered in frost "you need to figure this out" she could sense the frustration in his voice why wouldn't he be its been ten years since the accident and she was consumed by fear. She couldn't face them she held her head down as she felt tears roll down her cheeks "I can't, I don't think... I would if I could" sounding defeated. "Be careful. Crying only makes things worse," "he's holding back his frustration and anger, get a hold of yourself Elsa" she thought as her father opened his mouth her mother declared there session over and as her parents were about to leave "I know I failed you I'll try to do better" her parents sighed and left she was leaving when she noticed Anna "how much did she hear? It doesn't matter just go back to your room don't look" she thought as she brushed past Anna. Then she heard her mother's voice "I just wish we could help her more, I wish she wouldn't push us away. So many times I've wanted to hold her in my arms tell her it will be okay" Elsa felt a sharp pain in her chest as she closed her room door tears started to stream down her face "what do they want from me? They want me to conceal it and this is the only way I know how but... I still see disappointment on their faces what do they want from me? Now they want me to be open and hide my powers but I can't do both, what do you want from me!!" She said while sobbing in year pillow thinking things couldn't get any worse, but she was quickly proven wrong.

Thank you for reading this part I hope you like it. This part of the book Frozen Heart made me cry I will admit and for the most part is word for word so I really would said I was inspired by this part of the story. I more or less added a little bit to it and I wish this made it into the movie somehow but I guess less is more right? Again if you have any questions let me know and thanks again for reading :)

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