> Prologue

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| Her tears |


"Do you understand Yumi? You have to be the best otherwise all your efforts are wasted."

She balled her hand tightly and gritted her teeth when she recalled what her father said to her. She was currently in an empty tennis court, hitting the ball back and forth against a stone wall when she remember the conversation.

It was hard to believed that her stern yet gentle father was now replaced with a fierce 'monster' that thought that winning was everything. He also managed to get her brother to believed that preposterous phrase. Just like her father, her brother wasn't the same anymore. He turned cold and ruthless, willing to do anything just to succeed.

She understood their pain, after all it was partly her fault that their mother died. After her mother gave birth to her, her body was weaker than before. It was because of her birth, her mother was weakened enough to die of an illness.

"Everything in this world revolves around victory."

But still she knew her mother wouldn't want their family to be like this. She needed to fix it but she doesn't know how. The feeling of hopelessness filled her. She wondered, would her family be happy if she di-

"Hey you, you've been hitting the same spot the whole time. If you're bored, then why not have a match with me?"

It was a boy who looked a year younger than her who snapped her out of her thoughts. He has brown eyes and green tinted black hair. His eyes are sharply shaped and big, giving his facial expression the look of a confident, yet childish, person.

She looked at the spots where her ball hit. She didn't seem to notice while she was in her train of thoughts that she played a little more aggressively, causing the spots where her ball hit to create a dent.

"Only the strong will rise and the weak will fall."

"Sure" She shrugged. It dawned to her that maybe letting her frustration out was a better solution.


She wiped the sweat falling on her forehead. She won 6-4, while that kind of score wasn't allowed in her family, it brought her a smile that finally a good rival has appeared.

"You. What's your name?" The boy managed to stand up though was struggling a bit and asked her. She gave him a look that said she won't give hers until he give his.

"Echizen Ryoma" Ryoma introduced himself before catching that gleam of recognition through her eyes. It seems she knows of who he is.

"My name's Yumi, Akashi Yumi. Nice to meet you." She offered him a hand in which he accepted.

"Perfect and Flawless. That's what an Akashi should be. That's your responsibility Yumi.

Camellia [ Prince of tennis/Kuroko no Basket Crossover ]Where stories live. Discover now