>Section [2]

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| Her promise |


"Ehhhh...!" Yumi pouted as she found out that there was currently no available train rides heading to Kyoto. Ahhhhh....The plans to go see or embarrassed her brother, maybe even both, went down the drain.

"What are you going to do now?" Ryoma asked the important question, what were they suppose to do now when they made it this far? Looking at her, she was curled up in a ball on the ground obviously sulking while pouting.

It was the pout that she would no doubt unconsciously do whenever she lost to someone or if something didn't went her way. Ryoma sighed in frustration as he remembered the times he had fallen to the said pout. What reassured him though, was that he was sure that he wasn't the only who did.

Looking back at her, he saw that she was no longer sulking but instead thinking about something, thinking hard. In his book, it was never a good sign.

Knowing that gleaming look in her eyes, he quickly made an attempt to change her mind before she had thought of something absurd; like walking to Kyoto. It had happened before and was something he had definitely not want to try again, he would rather drink Inui-senpai's juice than for that to occur once more.

"How about that phantom guy? You know, Kuro-something? Wasn't he attending a school here in Tokyo? If it's not that far, we can visit him."

Almost instantly she perched up, face beaming with joy; like a kid who had gotten his favorite toy. Ryoma sighed, this time in relief, he was safe this time.

"That's right! I've almost forgotten about Tetsu-nii!"

"That's because you're an idiot"

"Takes one to know one! Bleeh!"


"Hmph! You started it! Idiot! Idiot!"

"What are you, a child?"


"The Teiko Middle School basketball club, an incredibly strong team with over one hundred members and three consecutive championship wins-"

"Is it necessary for you to repeat it in such a deep voice?" Holding a sports magazine that had been issued a year ago, Yumi playfully glared at the bemused boy beside her for ruining her perfect speech. Ryoma ignored the glare, knowing that she didn't mean it, and continued to walked beside her.

"Shhh! I'm making sure we both wouldn't be bored from walking!"

"And this is your master plan...?"

"Yup, now shush!"

"Feel free to continue...."

"Thank you, Ahem! Among their brilliant record, the generation of five prodigies was known as the 'Generation of Miracles'. Howe-"

"Pfft..! 'Generation of Miracles', what kind of name is that?"

"Ryoma, stop interrupting!"

"I'm sorry, but just how on earth did they got that ridiculous name?"

"A measly reporter came up with the stupid name, others followed and not long after that the name stuck, quoted from my dear Nii-san"

"I don't know whether I should pity him or congratulate him..."

"Try neither, otherwise he'll throw scissors at you. Other than that, I agree with you!"

"Agree? on what?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2016 ⏰

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