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"This after show adrenaline is intense" I say as im walking arond the arena with Jordan waiting to get onto the bus.

"I know, I mean i've kind of gotten used to it but the first night I honestly thought I could run a marathon" He chuckles at his own joke quietly as we sit on a couch we come across backstage.

"Honestly i've never heard something as loud as that crowd out there. That was intense." I say staring ahead of me with my eyes widened slightly.

"Thats something I havent gotten used to. My ears still ring."

"I'm pretty sure my hearing is 99.9% gone." I laugh a little and he laughs too. "So do you guys usually just do this after the show? just hang out?" I look over at him.

"Pretty much, everyone's usually pretty tired anyway" He nods looking at me too.

"I was just thinking that there would be some celebration since tonight is the first night of tour." I shrug

"Well none that I heard of, but yeah thats what they did last tour, maybe we were just left out" he shrugs too.

I laugh and nod. " Yeah i'm sure we did"

We get up after sitting around for about 10 minutes, saying hi to the other dancers that walk by. We walk down a long hallway and I spot Justin standing with his back against the wall looking down at his phone in front of me. I smile and walk over to him.

"Hey" I smile as he looks up from his phone and smiles too.

"Hey whats up?" He says as he locks his phone and puts it in his pocket.

"Is it always this boring around here after a show?"

"Im surprised that you havent fallen asleep yet honestly." He laughs

"I am tired but they aren't letting us onto the damn buses yet." I huff and go to stand next to him putting my back against the wall too. I noticed that this place is actually really nice, even the backstage area. You would think backstage wouldnt be that nice considering people are only really back here for a certain amount of time then they leave. But back here was surprisingly really nice.

"Yeah i know, apparently something happened to one of the buses and they're fixing it right now. Hopefully it will be done soon because im pretty tired myself."

Knowing that i was probably gonna be here for a while, I take out my phone, open snapchat and start playing around with the filters. I turn my phone to Justin and wait until the filter goes onto his face. I start laughing at how he looks with the filter that makes your eyes big and colorful and take the picture, saving it to my camera roll.

 I start laughing at how he looks with the filter that makes your eyes big and colorful and take the picture, saving it to my camera roll

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

I continue to laugh as he takes my phone and looks at the picture and smirks. "And to think, i still look good." He says as he gives me my phone back. I hit him n his arm as i keep laughing, now at his comment. "You're so stupid." I take a deep breath, my hysterical laughing finally dying down. I open snapchat up again and scroll through the other filters, I land on one that makes me start laughing again and take the picture.

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