Settling In!

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She awakes feeling her head hurting
'Ow...'she thinks trying to get up
but her head hurts so she can't really
Proccess stuff or stand

Y/N slowly gets out of the bed with success and makes her way to the door
About to open it before she was greeted by the same boy that had tried to kill her

"Didn't You...?"She recalled

"Yep...are you ok?"he asked making sure she was ok and she nodded clutching her stomach

"Here let me help you"he starts bandaging the wound and she flinched

"Done!"he smiles

'Why is he being so nice to me?!'she thinks
And thanks him

"Don't worry your safe here! he won't get you here!"the boy says sitting on the bed

"B-but he sent me here to..get you..."she looks down

"I Know...would you like to stay?"he asks his blue eyes piercing into her (F/C)

"I-I don't know..."she sighs and tries to get up but he grabs her wrist

"Please...?"he sighs

"Fine..."she sighs then he pulls her into a hug

"I'm sorry I almost killed you..."he says

"It's fine"they let go

-le time skip brought to you by Dem Smexy Legs~-

The boy took her to the principal he looked like a purple clown who had just escaped the wilderness or something
(Good Job Author-Chan XD)

Rin explained what happened and the clowns eyes widened

"So let me get this straight. Satan gave you demon powers"he questions and they both nod

"Well...Alright You will share a dorm with Rin"purple clown man says leaning back on the chair

Rin grinned at her and she gave a 'what the actual heck' face and Rin laughed as purple clown man Mephistopheles excused you both leaving you two alone to go back to the dorms for the day

"Soooo...."she says walking along the path trying to make some form of conversation

"Sooooo"he says back looking at her

"Random question! Do you have a boyfriend?"he asks her

Ok so For Y/N she has never dated in her life because A.she thinks boys stink (which is true for real life boys *Death glares Ex*Ahem no one wants to hear about my tragic love life)
B.there was no human men in Gehenna so she never really had any friends and sucked at socializing

"Nope I'm Wayyyy to weird!"she laughs

"That's very true"he smirks and gives her a noogie

"Hey Quit That!"She exclaims hiding her face and continue their walk

-Time Skip brought to you by until dawn the best combination-

Y/N just arrived back from the store having bought a butt load of tshirts and room stuff to put in her room Like MCR
And other stuff

"Jeez how much clothes do you need"Rin came in from behind

She giggles "a boat load I'm not even done shopping yet"

His eyes widen "seriously?!"

She just giggles as he walks out wanting to bang his head against a wall And that my friends is what day one looked like for her

Sorry for the late and short update! I'm tired as heck and I just wanted to say thanks so much for reading it means a lot to me! How often should I update? Any ideas i was thinking once every 2 days so I can be lazy and not spend two hours cramming into one big chapter! Anyways Byeeee!!!

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