Chaper 3: Kiss

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Blake's POV:
I started up my broadcast by a intro and guesting Grace. That's when we started playing truth or dare. Grace went first "Truth or dare Blake?" She asked. "Dare!" I yelled. "I dare you to kiss Paige!" Grace anwsered. "I can't unaccept a dare..." I said to Paige. I can't lie she was beautiful! "Okay well here goes nothing!" She leaned in. We kissed for like two minutes with sparks flying before Grace broke our kiss with a laugh.

We ended up playing truth or dare with some other people then ended the broadcast. "How does daddy kiss?" I asked histarically. "He could do better..." Paige laughed.

*skip to Wednesday*

Paige's POV:
Today was the party and I was really excited! My favorite part is that me and Blake are going as a.... date... I guess. I mean we kissed and spend a lot of time together like over half the day. My parents and his mom have been gone for a few days now and we've kept each other  company... I also really like him.... stop it Paige you have a boyfriend!

Blake said the party started at 8:00 and it was 7:00 now.... I had to get ready! I need to be ready to meet possible new friends, something that Blake would like, and something.... well.... sexy! But what does blake like? I decided to text him.

Me: Hey what do you like on girls as far as a outfit goes?

Blake💙: um it's the personality that counts....?

*playful argument*

Blake💙: 😘 BTW I'll be there in 45 to pick you up!

Me: Oh Blake! Nevermind😂 and I'll be waiting!

I gave up on the conversation and got a mint green and white chevron short dress with some blake wedges. I set them out on my bed and got a quick shower, blow dried my hair and put it in a high messy bun, put on my clothes, and finally put some light makeup on. I got ready just in time for a text from Blake that he's here to pick me up. I went outside and Blake's mouth dropped. I went up to him and he said " wow y-y-youre gorgeous!" "Wasn't I already!" I teased. He laughed "if course you were baby" We both laughed and told random jokes until we got to his house.

Blake's POV:
When I saw Paige I almost died! She was drop dead gorgeous! I was planing on asked her to date me but what if she said no.... I don't know though I might ask her tonight!

I got knocked out of my thoughts by Hunter. Hunter Rowland. "Who's the girl?" He asked. "Dibs... and she is my da- I mean neighbor and friend... she lives down the street." I whispered. Then I looked to Paige.

Paige's POV:
When we got to his house there was loud music, drinks, and lots of people. But the first person that came up to us was a boy with dark hair, beautiful eyes, and was about my age. He said "Who's the girl?" That's when I heard Blake whisper "Dibs..." and the rest I didn't hear but he likes me!? I gasped... but then Blake turns to me "this is Hunter Rowland!" He pointed to the boy. "Hi!" I said.

We talked for a while then I met some other very nice people. I met a girl named Tessa. I met Brandon Rowland and Cameron Dallas. They were all very nice! I was having a great time!

*later in the night*

It is about two a.m. now and we had be talking, partying, playing games ect. all night. It was amazing. It felt good to let loose! Blake had been by my side all night, which was... really sweet and Hunter was crushing hard core on me... but ya know I have a boyfriend.

"Hey Pai-ge!" He stuttered snapping out of my thoughts. "Uh yeah? Are you drunk?" I ask teasingly. "No why would you ask that!" He laughed "Oh come with me!" "Okay?" I said as he tugged me to his room. I sat on his bed as he kissed me, which quickly turned into a make out session. "-Blake!" I pulled away. "Will you- uh be my girlfriend!?" He asked quickly....

Cliffhanger! What do you think will happen?

*Good Times* Blake GrayWhere stories live. Discover now