The Disease Of Doubt

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"They may think you're their saviour but I know the truth" She said, eyes narrowed

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"They may think you're their saviour but I know the truth" She said, eyes narrowed.

Leo crossed his arms defiantly, not showing her he felt threatened by her approach even though he kind of does.

"And what truth would that be?" Leo demanded.

"That you're a spy. You're from Camp Half Blood and you were sent here to spy on us and make sure we don't infer with the gods" She growled, poking his chest.

Leo scoffed, seriously?

"A spy?" He sneered.

"Listen! That prophecy hasn't come about in thousands of years. No one knows where it came from. I don't see what the big fuss is about. It's probably just a stupid riddle we accidentally picked up.  Nothing but a lie that gives false hope"

Leo stared at her for a couple of seconds and then said slowly as it started to make sense to him "You really don't believe in it do you? You've given up on it"

"Of course I don't! My father didn't either. I was stupid for disagreeing with him but as I got older I saw the truth, especially when she came along"

"She?" Leo stuttered, not expecting this.

"It was a couple of years ago. A Demi-God came here. From Camp Jupiter. Our alarms went off and we found her. She claimed she felt ignored by the gods however once she learnt about the prophecy she said that there was a quest happening in Camp Jupiter and if we helped we would be sure to get the gods attention. And that she was sure that the prophecy meant this. So a group went with her back to Camp Jupiter. We were all so excited..."

Leo asked slowly "What happened?"

She said stiffly "Only Damon came back. He was very badly beat up. He could barely remember what happened!"

"I was on medic duty at the time. We all swap jobs and I nursed him back to health. And I also learned never to trust in that stupid prophecy. Or suspicious outsiders that'll only let us starve and bring us all harm. You only done this so you can sake your neck!"

That explained how she developed a crush on Damon in the first place and why she didn't want to leave without him Leo thought though still thinking he was way to old for her....but....

"Why does no one else think this then!" Leo retorted.

Teresa sneered "They do but they all left" Her voice dropped a little and Leo swore he could detect some sadness in her "Only I've stayed on...."

"Now because of you our food will stop growing. Some of it is already rotting. Because everyone here believes once they have the gods attention they won't have to worry about food any more but that won't happen, you'll get us all killed instead, trying to save your own neck!" She growled.

Leo through up his hands in frustration. There was no reasoning with her.

"What am I supposed to say? Yes okay I'll let you sacrifice me?! The gods can't ignore you forever and this prophecy has to have come from somewhere?! And yeah I admit a part of me did want to save myself and you know what?! I could have! I can shoot fire out of my finger tips okay?! I could have escaped but I didn't. I stayed because I wanted to help this camp" Leo almost yelled but restrained himself.

Teresa back off at that but shook her head at him "You're even on it. You're dangerous. You'll only kill us faster"

Then she suddenly smiled and laughed but it was bitter "Even though I don't believe in the prophecy, funny thing, if it is true its predicted you'll kill us too"

Then with that she stormed away before Leo could say anything to her.

His doubt grow tend fold as her conversation repeated in his head. He wasn't sure what "You're even on it" meant and the last line of the prophecy also repeated inside of his head "It's predicted you'll kill us too"

There's no question the end of the prophecy was a little unsettling. Silver Black Death.

It really stuck out for him and caused doubt to linger in his being, spreading like a disease.

A fast killing and catching disease.

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