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Falling Apart.

It had been hell for the past three days because Bryce and Ryan did nothing but argue. Ryan, of course, went out with Jonathan for those three days and Bryce found out which started the fights. But today was the one of the worst. Ryan's head pounded with more devilish thoughts and if he was completely honest Bryce didn't make it better. Bryce was being extra silent today which made Ohm somewhat angry and upset that he wouldn't talk to him about what was bothering him.

"Ryan I really wish you wouldn't always leave me for Jonathan." Bryce finally blurted out with a frown on his lips. He watched as Ryan looked up from the floor. "What? I never left you for him."

"Really? Did I not ask you to stay these past three days?" Bryce crossed his arms. "I told Michelle the reason you couldn't join for dinner was because you were sick."

"Why does it even matter? I'm just hanging out with a friend Bryce."

"Yeah a friend who fucked you over in the past and then caused you to go into depression Ryan!" Bryce yelled, angry by Ohm's answer. "Ryan this isn't good for you okay? I'm just worried.."

"How do you know what's good for me Bryce? You're the one who wanted me to meet up with everyone!"

"I..Ryan I didn't even know he was going to be there..don't put this on me.." Bryce frowned and Ryan's glare softened at his boyfriends face. He was slowly losing his mind. There were no longer small bumps here and there cause they were everywhere now. His road was now a death trap. "Bryce I'm sorry.."

Bryce just held up his hand and gave a shake to his head, not wanting to hear another word from Ryan. He left Ryan in the living room alone not knowing what else to do anymore. He had tried to help him but his tries were just a whisper to him now and he knew it.

Ryan swallows the lump in his throat and got up to go talk to Bryce only to jerk to a stop when he heard Bryce talking to someone on the phone. He leaned on the door to hear more than jibberish.

"I don't know Michelle! I..I'm afraid." Bryce let out a shaky breath then continued, "He's getting worse. he's not smoking anymore at least I don't think...drinking maybe? I-I don't know! I'm barely around him anymore!"

Ryan's brow furrowed as he listened in. His best friend was on the phone with Bryce discussing this causing him to take a deep breath. He shook his head in frustration.

"I know Michelle. No-I told him that it's bad for him to keep seeing Jonathan but part of me feels he won't listen to me..I don't know what he feels Michelle but I wont be able to put up with it any longer and you know that. Cheating? What? No that's insane! Ryan would never do that to me..yes I know. I will.."

Ryan took a step back from the door and clenched his fist in anger as he bit his tongue to keep from calling them both out. He had to fight back tears that swelled up in his hazel eyes. Ryan turned around and walked back downstairs in hopes of escaping the area which was probably tense now between the two talking on the phone.

Ryan's phone buzzed as he entered the living room causing him to pick it up and see it was Jonathan himself. He hesitated before answering.


"Hey mister Ohmwrecker!" Jonathan yelled in excitement. "What are you doing huh?"

"Um, well right now I am doing nothing which kinda sucks.." Ryan paused for a moment then continued, "Why do you want to know?"

"Well I was wondering if you would like to head out to the movies tomorrow since I am indeed free."

"Free? What is Evan not stuck up your butt anymore or what?" Ryan joked as he smirks. "I mean you've been free an awful lot Delirious."

"Uh yes actually." He laughed out. "I actually think he has work tomorrow that's why I'm asking."

"Oh really? Well Delirious," Ryan smirked as he opened the door and walked outside. "I find it funny you wish to spend your free time with me."


"Could it be you're gaining feelings for me?" He teases earning a slight gasp from the other side of the phone.

"I-I am not!" He stutters.

"Nah I'm just messing with ya man. So you want to go to the movies huh? I don't know I mean I've been kinda busy and.."

"Oh come on Ohm! For me?" Jonathan pleads. "One more time huh? What do ya say?"

"Hmm.." Ryan rubbed his chin in thought. He wanted to reject Delirious' offer so bad because of Bryce and how he made him feel but he couldn't find it in him to turn the male down like he did all those years. "Alright alright. What time?" He gave in.

"How about like six thirty?"

"Sounds good to me. Who knows maybe we'll catch something scary." Ryan smiled as he heard a laugh from Jonathan. The call ended and his smile faded quickly when he turned back to the closed door and realized he had hve into his heart. He should've told Delirious no but he didn't.

This is why Bryce and his relationship were failing now. Because he was letting someone who broke him years ago back into his life where he could control him once more. He knew that it was useless to fight back because no matter what, Jonathan would always win.

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