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For hours I just sat in an abandoned parking lot and cried my eyes out, clutching the steering wheel and beating my hands into it until I couldn't feel the throbbing pain shooting through them anymore. I felt disappointed and defeated, and those two feelings continued to eat me up inside as I sat there for hours longer. I wasn't sure what time it was, but it was obviously late at night and it was pouring down rain.

My head began to ache as I breathed heavily. I couldn't cry anymore. It was like I ran out of tears to cry. My chest felt heavy and so did my eyes. I felt horrible.

Suddenly there was a loud tap on the window, causing me to jump and curse lowly as I saw that it was Austin, standing in the pouring rain, soaked through his clothes, shivering and a concerned look on his face. I rolled down the window, glaring at him.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked.

"I should b-be asking you that. Your a-aunt called me and asked i-if I had seen y-you because ap-pparently you ran off," he said. "I've b-been looking f-for you for h-hours, Princess. W-What's the m-matter?"

My bottom lip trembled again and I shook my head. "Nothing, I'm fine okay? Go home Aust, and make sure to tell my aunt that I'm fine." I said.

"B-Baby, you're obviously n-not fine. You l-look like y-you've been crying f-for hours," he said, and he was right, but I wasn't about to tell him that.
"Come o-on, we can g-go somew-where together."

"I-I don't want to go anywhere," I said, shaking my head. Thunder cracked, causing us both to jump and the rain seemed to pour down even harder. I sighed, looking at him. "Get in the car, you idiot."

Austin smiled and nodded, rushing around to the other side. I leaned over the console and unlocked the door before sitting back and watching him climb in. I cranked the car up and turned the heat to full blast.

"Why did you come out into the pouring rain? You're going to get sick." I scolded, but Austin just shrugged and shivered, looking at me cutely.

"I-I had to f-find you. I w-was concerned and I-I had to see you." He said, which made my heart swell. He was too perfect, really.

I sighed. "Take your wet clothes off, you're not going to get warm in them." I said, Austin smirked.

"Or y-you just want t-to see me n-naked," he said, though he began to remove his jacket, shirt and jeans, leaving his boxers on. I rolled my eyes, taking the clothes and putting them in the backseat.

"C-Come here," I heard him mumbled as he grabbed a hold of my hips. I climbed into his lap, straddling his hips. Austin was still shaking some, his skin cold, but he was beginning to warm up with the air vents pointing at him, blowing heat. "Why a-are you out h-here?" He asked, brushing hair from my face.

I began to explain, telling him every detail. In the end my eyes were watery and my lip was trembling. I hated this. Why couldn't my parents just understand that we absolutely hated things there? Mom was just going to leave again when she realized that she still didn't love dad, and dad was going to continue to chase after her again and again. It was a never ending loop.

"It's gonna be okay," Austin said softly, rubbing my hips. He leaned forward, pressing his lips to mine. They were so cold, just like the rest of his body. I wondered silently if I was helping any.

"You're gonna get sick, I hope you know that," I mumbled, pulling away from him with a grin. His kisses made me feel better. Just his mere presence made me feel better.

"Are you gonna take care of me?" He asked almost childishly. I chuckled and nodded, wrapping an arm around his neck while my hand pushed his soaking wet hair around.

Austin smiled at me, not speaking a word. It felt like nothing else needed to be said, and nothing else was as we sat there in the car, soaking up the heat as it continued to pour down rain. Austin kept his head pushed into my neck as I continued to run my fingers through his now damp hair, and he kept rubbing my hips and humming every now and again in content. He was so comforting, I knew that much. We hadn't been together for long, but he meant so much to me.

"I think you're all warm and dry now," I said, smiling whenever I felt his lips touch my neck.

"Can't we just stay here for a little while longer?" Austin asked, pulling away from my neck and looking at me with a little pout. I grinned and leaned in, kissing it away.

"I'm really hungry though," I told him once we pulled apart. Austin looked contemplative for a moment and I looked at him with a pout on my lips. He sighed, which meant I won.

"Fine, but afterwards we're coming back to the car and cuddling and there's nothing you can say or do to change my mind," he said and crawled into the backseat to put on his clothes. I smiled triumphantly and pulled out of the abandoned lot I was parked at and drove off to the nearest burger joint. I was practically starving when we arrived, and I did as told and paid for our food, though Austin put up a fight and told me he was just joking about it. I didn't care at this point.

After we ate the rain was beginning to lift up some, though it was still pouring. It was nice and comfortable to sit and listen to as Austin and I crawled into the backseat of the car and cuddled like he wanted to. I didn't mind that there was a seat belt latch digging into my hip as we lay there talking about mindless things. For once I felt content and relaxed, and it was all because of my boyfriend.


well alrighty then. kinda am getting the flow back, hopefully it'll stay until the end which is coming up soon, I don't know when though

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