Ch. 1: I'm Home!

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"Cut! Great job kayano!"

I walked away from the set. I just finished shooting my newest movie. It's been eight years since I started my career again, it also has been eight years since Korosensei died.

I also haven't seen him ever since....

"Would that be the last scene, director?"

"Yes, you can go home now! We'll pack up the rest"

"Ok! See you at the next shooting!"

I walked towards my trailer. Once, inside I grabbed my normal clothes and got changed. I also wiped off any excessive make-up. After that I grabbed my stuff and went home.
I was extremely tired! My career as an actress was packed with directors who wanted me in their movie. I swear, killing Korosensei was way easier!
I still miss Korosensei and the E-class. I really wish I could go back to that time, where killing your teacher was allowed!
I clicked on the phone's  voicemail and listened to it while I prepared dinner.

[Beep] hello miss, you have an appointment tomorrow morning at 8

[Beep] hello Kayano darling! Your dresses are ready so you can pick them up when you have the time!!!

So far no important messages... Only work! Sheesh!

[Beep] Hello, Kayano?

I dropped my spoon. Was that... Karasuma-sensei's voice?

Kayano! We need you as soon as possible! Come tomorrow to the E-class' old building! I know you're busy, but please.... It's important!

The voicemail ended. It was Karasuma-sensei! What could he possibly need from me? I should go check tomorrow! He sounded kinda worried...

"Ok class! Pencils down! Hand in the test now, you may leave once you've handed it in!"

"See you, Nagisa-sensei!"

"Goodbye Yuki! Make sure you don't forget your homework tomorrow!"

I grabbed my stuff. Finally the class is behaving normal with me. It was a big hassle when I first came here, two years ago. I really miss everyone from the E-class, especially Kayano. I hope she's doing fine...
Once I grabbed my stuff together I went home. I had a lot of tests to check. I turned on the TV first. I wanted to watch the news, when the phone rang. I picked up.


"Hello, Nagisa?"

I couldn't believe my ears, it was Karasuma-sensei!

"Nagisa, there is an emergency! Come as soon as you can to the
E-class' building in the mountains!"

"But, Karasuma-sensei... What happened?!"

He already hung up before he heard my question. Karasuma-sensei never calls up and talks like this! There must be something important going on. I must hurry and meet him soon!

I took the first flight possible, I took a leave from my new movie. The director had to shoot other scenes too, he said. I wonder what happened... Karasuma-sensei only calls me for my birthday and not for something urgent.
I wonder if I'm the only one he called...

I got of the plane and hurried back to the E-class building. I can still remember which way I had to go. My heels were clacking on the ground as I walked to school. Shit! I shouldn't have worn heels when I knew I had to climb a mountain. I saw the building and stopped for a minute before I finally entered.

"Hello? Karasuma-sensei?"

There was no answer, everything was pitch black. I heard some footsteps, I quickly hold my knife and stayed on my guard, who knows who it might be.

Secret Agents (A NagiKae Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt