//Chapter 1//

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Ashley's POV

"Darren! P-please s-stop! Y-You're hur-rting me!" I yell. "Shut the fuck up you worthless piece of shit! No one fucking loves you! That's why your dad killed himself when your mom died! He didn't want to take care of a piece of shit like you!" Darren tells me.

I begin to cry at the thought. He's right, no one loves me. I was about to tell Darren that I was sorry until I got kicked in the ribs. Then I started to cough up blood. That was when Darren stopped and carried me to the car. "I'm taking you to a fucking hospital," Darren says emotionlessly.

~time skip~

We get to the hospital and Darren takes me to the ER. Some nurses came up to Darren and I and took me from his arms. I was glad that they took me away from him. They took me to get some X-Rays done. "Okay miss Dean, I am Doctor Brinar and I will be the one to perform the X-Rays on you." The young, handsome man tells me. I wanted to thank him but all that came out were coughs and more blood. "Don't talk Ashley, you'll lose more blood." I nod and he asks me to follow him. We walk through the hallways of the hospital. We enter a room and suddenly the temperature dropped about 30 degrees. "Okay I need you to remove your shirt for me please," Doctor Brinar tells me. I blush and nod. I unbutton my shirt and just stand there blushing. Doctor Brinar smiles and tells me to lay on the table and I do as I'm told. "Call me Josh." Doct- Josh tells me. I smile and nod. He walks away somewhere and then I jump at the sudden noise then realize the X-Ray machine was turning on and scanning me.

~Time Skip~

I get off the table and put my shirt back on. "You fractured some of your ribs, Ashley," Josh tells me. I was going to say something but yet again, I coughed and spit up blood. He got a wheelchair and sat me in it. I saw a very sexy boy, I'd say he was around 19 and he was staring at me with tears in his eyes. I hated seeing people cry and sad and I wanted to run up to him and hug him and I was about to until Josh pushed me down into my seat. We got to my room and all I could think about was the boy I saw. That was until Darren walked in looking pissed as all fucking hell.

"The cost of this stay is coming out of your savings Ashley," he said calmly. I nod and the doctor tells him to leave because visiting hours are over. Guess he didn't tell them he was my boyfriend, thank god. I was about to fall asleep until I saw the boy from earlier walking out of the room he was in. I wonder who he was seeing. Would I see him again tomorrow? I then start drifting off to sleep.

I wake up the next day and see Darren sitting in the chair next to my bed. "You shoul-" Darren was cut off by Josh and Josh tells me to sit up. I sat up and he starts to remove my shirt. I blush and notice Darren getting mad so I push Josh's hands and finish unbuttoning my own shirt. After taking it off he reaches for something in his coat. After a couple seconds, he has a bandage in his hand. He then starts to wrap it around my torso. His hands are cold and they made me shiver.

Josh smirks but luckily Darren was too busy texting someone to notice. I blush at Josh then he slides something into the pocket of my jeans and I smile. He leaves my room then Darren puts his phone away. He then comes up to me and I flinched thinking he was going punch me or something. I was surprised that he kissed me instead. I hesitated but kissed back. I hated this but I didn't want him to hurt me anymore. After a couple of hours, Josh came in and said I could go home but not to do anything physical for at least a month.

Darren sighed in annoyance, but I was happy I couldn't do anything because that meant that Darren couldn't hurt me. I smiled at Josh and got out of my bed and Darren helped me to the car. I didn't see the boy from yesterday and I didn't see the man in the room he was in. I was confused but got taken out of my thoughts by Darren tugging at my arm. I got into the car and stared out the window. "You are off the hook for the month but as soon as you recover I'm going back to beating your ass," Darren says without looking at me.

After a couple minutes, we get home. I couldn't walk so Darren carried me to the house then up the stairs. Luckily, he didn't want to hurt me so he slept on the couch. I fell asleep then woke up at around 3 am and I decided that I was done with Darren's shit so I packed a bag and decided I would walk to my friend Rocky's house. I quietly snuck down the stairs and saw Darren on the couch asleep. I tiptoed to the door and opened it slowly so I wouldn't make any noise. Rocky lives about six blocks away so I'd walk.

I walk out the door and I've already walked two blocks and that's when I saw the one person I was hoping to see again, the boy from the hospital. Except, he was crying on the sidewalk. I was about to go up to him until I heard yelling. I ran so fast I nearly fainted when I got to Rocky's front door. I knocked and he answered.

"Ash, what's wrong?" Rocky asked me. I ran inside and shut the door. I was panting. "Rocky... help... me." then everything went black.

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