Hijikata Toshizo

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I've never published anything like this before anywhere! Nor have I really written anything so explicit

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I've never published anything like this before anywhere! Nor have I really written anything so explicit. Nor have I done one-shots before...heh, kinda behind on the times I guess...whoops haha. Anyhow please, please, tell what you think (how do/don't like it -> what you do/don't like about it)! Then, I can hopefully improve as I go through each one-shot, a lot of these are prewritten, but I'm very open to making changes to them! But most of all please enjoy these one-shots! I certainly did (;

*The song above is Million Dollar Man by Lana Del Ray, I'm pretty much obsessed with Lana and each of these one shots I was listening to one of her songs so I thought you might wanna listen too (:

Hijikata Toshizo

Aya took a deep breath as she stood in front of his door. He had been in there all day, and the day before, only coming out to eat dinner with the rest of them. She could see how tired he was, the slight bruises under his eyes, the paleness of his skin. He tried so hard for Kondo, for everyone, she could not stand to see him like this any longer. With that final resolve, she stepped up to the door and slid it open gently. She wanted to slam it open, but she did not want to scare him.

He sat there in front of his desk, writing God knows what, and barely spared a glance for her. She held back her huff and took a step into the room before closing the door. She would not lose, she refused to let him ignore her.

"What?" He asked shortly as he continued to write. His hair, which he did not take the time to tie up today, hung down his back and shined softly against the light of the lamp. Aya felt her hand twitch as she longed to run her fingers through his hair.

"What are you doing?" Aya asked as she kneeled behind him, he had no idea what she was about to do. But then again why would he, she had never made it obvious to him before. There were too many times they clashed and not enough time for that, but now she would make time. Force it from him if she had to, he needed it and so did she.

"What do you mean? The same damn thing I've been doing for the past two days." Hijikata said with a huff of exasperation and she refrained from huffing back. She wouldn't let her stubbornness, or his,  get in the way this time.

"No I mean...I guess, why are you doing this?" She asked and gently brought her hand up to rest on his shoulder. She had to sneak her attack in, or else she would fail.

"Because I have to." He said shortly and she gently ran her fingers through his hair. He paused for a moment before continuing his writing, good, he refused to acknowledge what she was doing. It would only make it easier for her. "Is there a reason why you're here?"

"To get you to relax. Nobody wants to see you work yourself to death, but I'm the only one brave enough to do something about it." She whispered in his ear and she saw his hand tremble slightly from her breath brushing against his ear, good. The behavior of the demon vice commander was infamous, but it never scared her. In fact, it only made her admire him more, he did it for the people he loved.

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