Saito Hajime

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*Dark Paradise by Lana Del Rey

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*Dark Paradise by Lana Del Rey

Okay so I'll start off by saying this is not a sexy one shot. It's actually quite sad and I wanted to warn you of that. I listened to this song yesterday and this little plot would not leave my head so I had to write it out before I could move on to more one shots. Though the next one will be at the very least happy if not oh so sexy! I do hope you like this one though. I will warn you though there is death in this one shot. I'm so sorry guys! I didn't realize this one didn't go through correctly!

Saito Hajime

Ava glared as she, Shinpachi, and Sano were surrounded by Satsuma warriors while Shiranui and Amagiri stood in front of them. They certainly had not been expecting this tonight when they fulfilled their part of the plan. She briefly wondered if someone would come eventually or if they would have to do this themselves.

"Heisuke! Get Chizuru out of here!" She growled out and gave the giant red head her deepest glare as she stood in front of Chizuru protectively. Like hell she would give up Chizuru to those bastards!

"Tch!" Heisuke huffed and Ava slightly smiled at his brief irritation of being bossed around. She was overjoyed that Heisuke came back to them and she hoped that he would remain with them. Now only if Hajime would have...she shook that thought out of her head as pain spiked in her heart. He was gone and was not coming back. He did not feel the same for her and he made that clear by leaving with the people they were basically forbidden to talk to. There was no use letting herself be distracted by that now.

"Go on, Chizuru, get to safety!" Heisuke said and briefly glanced back at her with a smile as he remained in between Ava and Sano.

"Hai!" Chizuru called out immediately with a smile and ran off to stand near the exit of the alley. She couldn't just completely leave though, she had to make sure her friends made it safely out.

It wasn't long before Ava was pulling her katana out of yet another body and she took in a deep gasp of air. She felt a cramp starting to form in her side, but she wouldn't give up, her closest friends were risking just as much as she was. It wouldn't be right if she gave up now.

She continued to slash at the men before her as she stood back to back with Shinpachi. She sent a quick grin at Sano as she threw her dagger at a man coming up behind him. Sano gave her a quick nod of thanks and she sent him a wink before twirling around to help Shinpachi with the men on his side.

"You doing okay?" She heard Shin ask breathlessly and she nodded quickly. Her eyes widened as she barely had time to duck under a katana that was meant to slice her neck. She quickly slammed her katana into the man's stomach and the man groaned as he quickly backed away from her, holding his stomach once her sword left it.

"Yes, and you?" She asked as she felt her grip on her katana slip slightly due to her bloody hands.

"Hell yeah!" He cried out with a grin and she laughed slightly before turning to take down another soldier.

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