Chapter 1

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"Rain, are you even listening to me?" asked my best-friend Ara, waving a hand in front of my face.

"What? Oh sorry. I zoned out for a second, what were you saying?" I asked her.

"I wanted to know if you're coming to Ben's party tonight" she said. I really didn't want to go but I knew if I said no, Ara would just keep bugging me until I said yes. I sighed.

"Yes Ara. I'll be there." I told her.

"Yay!" she said excitedly. "Wear something cute and do something with your hair. See you tonight, I'll pick you up at seven" She said, skipping to her car.

I rolled my eyes as I walked towards my car. I hated going to these parties but Ara always forced me to. The main reason I hated them was because the people there were so fake and couldn't actually have a nice time without actually drinking or getting high. I'm no saint but these people went over board.

As I walked to my car, I thought about my high-school life. I'm your average high-school girl. My names Rain - unusual, I know but my mom thought it had a nice ring to it - I have brown eyes and long brown hair that was so dark a lot of people thought it was black. I think my best feature was my lips, they were full and red and I didn't need to wear any lip gloss. I'd been told I was pretty countless times, but I never let it go to my head. I got average grades and had lots of friends. I wasn't at the top of the social ladder but I was quite popular. I was a likeable person.

"Mom, I'm home" I called out as I opened the door to my house.

"I'm in the kitchen honey" my mom, Naomi, called back.

"Is it ok if I go to a party tonight?" I asked as I walked into the kitchen to give my mom a hug.

"Sure thing sweetie" she replied.

My mom was awesome, she wasn't strict at all and I could talk to her about anything. I went upstairs to my room so I could look for an outfit to wear for this evening. Ara had told me to wear something cute but what she actually meant was, wear something hot. It was so difficult to find a good outfit; I had tonnes of clothes but nothing to wear. Eventually I settled on my black skinny jeans, a tight purple top that showed some cleavage, but not too much, a pair of purple killer heals, and of course, accessories.

By the time Ara arrived I had just finished straightening my hair.

"My, my, don't we look hot tonight" Ara said, standing in my doorway looking me up and down with a big grin on her face.

She looked pretty good herself. She was wearing a short black dress and gorgeous, black high-heeled pumps.

"You look pretty good yourself, A" I told her.

"Ok, ok. We can tell each other how good we look in the car. Hurry up or we'll be late." She said and bounded out of my bedroom and down the stairs.

Ara was my best friend. She was crazy and spunky and she understood me more than anyone else. We had only met two years ago but we instantly became friends.

When we arrived at Ben's house, the party was in full swing. There were people making out, grinding against each other, doing body shots and people were being sick in Ben's bushes.

"Let's go get a drink" Ara shouted over the loud music. I just nodded and followed her into the kitchen.

Once we got our drinks we met up with our two other friends, Zaina and Rita. Rita and I had met 5 years ago and we only became friends because of Zaina. Zaina and I had known each other since we were babies, our families were close friends. Over the years we had remained friends but when Rita came into the equation things between us changed a lot. We would always be best friends and know things about each other that no one else knew but we had both changed a lot and she and Rita kept leaving me out more and more. When we got to high-school we had met Ara who became my best-friend. Zaina and Rita didn't really like her that much, they thought she was too crazy but I loved her; she was always there for me when Rita and Zaina were off together and so we became as close as sisters.

"Hey guys" greeted Zaina and Rita.

"Rita, I can't believe your mom actually let you out" I said. Rita's mom was super strict and never let Rita out.

"She didn't actually" Rita told us grimacing. "I sneaked out"

"You're such a bad girl Rita" I said and we all laughed.

"Rain! Look who's coming our way" Ara whispered in my ear, smirking.

I turned around and looked behind me to see Daniel Kent walking over towards us. We had photography club together on Mondays after school and I kinda had a crush on him; who wouldn't. He had big hazel eyes surrounded by long lashes and curly, light brown hair that always seemed to be falling into his eyes.

"Hey guys" he said, smiling at us.

"Hi" I replied.

"So Rain, I just wanted to give you the photos I developed for our project" he said, handing over a brown envelope. "I have to go but we should definitely hang out sometime" he said, smiling at me.

"Oh thanks. Yeah we should" I replied. "Did you -" I was abruptly cut off when someone knocked me over. I waited for the hard fall but it never came. Instead a strong pair of arms encircled my waist, stopping me from toppling over. I looked up into a pair of smouldering green eyes.

"I'm so sorry, are you ok?" he asked me.

"I- I'm fine" I stuttered, standing up straight.

"I'm Caleb Matthews" he replied, holding out his hand.

I had seen him around school; we even had a few classes together. Damn, he was hot. He had black, floppy hair and large, smouldering green eyes. His lips were full and red. He was wearing a tight black t-shirt that clung to his body and showed off his sculpted chest and six pack.

"I'm Rain Laine" I told him, shaking his hand.

"That's a pretty name, Rain Laine" Caleb said. "I guess I'll see you around sometime Rain Laine"

"Yeah, I'll see you around" I murmured as he walked away.

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